
You will find in the deleted scenes on the blu-ray that Scott taught him close-up magic while they were building the time machine.

We got Howard the frakking Duck but they couldn’t give us the Defenders? Boooo!

I think William Hurt as Ross scratches that itch.

GOTG2 has the rare distinction of possessing both a mediocre ending and a great one. The big action climax ending is your classic shrug-inducing superhero movie fight, a couple of CGI beings weightlessly punching each other for what seems to be an eternity. You can see Gunn trying his damndest to turn it into

I am legit surprised they did that with Scarjo’s hair as her idea.  I would have guessed that dye job coming out was intentional and meant to show the passage of time between the films.

Okay, at this point I can no longer acknowledge that Grimes actually made Art Angels or any of her other standouts.

dammit Grimes, dump the nerd and go back to the good stuff

Hear hear! There is no greater villain than people who get drunk and say mean things.

Yeah! Don’t they know they’re supposed to write reviews specifically with halloweenjack’s tastes in mind?!

“I would never be brave enough to do what Jussie did. He put his personal freedom at stake and shined a light into some dark corners that need cleaning. In a way, I’m proud of him. Because it doesn’t necessarily matter that this event didn’t happen. It matters that it could happen. That’s the real issue here. So good

Well, it didn’t take long for his apologists to slither out into the light.

When this story first hit the tape, I though he probably got roughed up doing something he shouldn't be doing, and made up the MAGA story to deflect. Looks like the truth is far worse. 

I’m not sure why I should feel bad for him, he’s clearly a narcissist and sociopath content to let the police throw innocent people in jail for a crime that never happened.  He is the not the victim here by any measure he constructed a false narrative to slander people who hold differing political views.  

Or he's a publicity seeking dick. 

People lie about crazy shit all the time. All kinds of people. It doesn’t necessarily mean they have mental problems.

This sounds like a contrite, thought-out comment brought about through genuine introspection. I wonder how Woke Twitter and Jezebel will find a way to crucify him for it.

I can't wait to see how this wholly reasonable and responsible response (alliteration!) will be completely deconstructed by desperate, anonymous people.

Chris Pratt should think long and hard about how his church’s discrimination against lgbtq et al. makes him more spiritually whole, before he is sentenced to death for crimes against graphic design.

Everyone should clarify their positions on an important subject with a deadass sheep in the background 

Will Smith, slathered in blue paint at the first script read: “I feel like a f***ing idiot.”