
Buzzfeed? I miss gawker.

Sadly we’re missing Eli Gold’s call from Alabama due to a WatchESPN issue. If anyone has it on hand, send it along.

“Then you could make up for the lack of rib structure by adding 3 or 4 extra vertebra.”

Is he a professional eater?

What’s so hard to believe about Roger Clemens going to Nantucket?

Is he really shocked this caused a distraction? Romo is laughing at this from his cabana in Cabo.

There’s a reason yacht rock is a seasonal channel.

Let’s hope Mixon isn’t mixed up with those Black Lives Matter nogoodniks, or Musberger will have to eat some serious crow!

you should get naked anyway, just for the halibut.

Not if you google “squirters”

Marmalard now glad the team is moving to somewhere else where every sperm is sacred.

(That’s Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s test for defining obscenity, and I too know obscenity when I see it.)

“Don’t caaare!”

Don’t worry guys, you still have the tricycle race to look forward to!

Cooper? More like Copper (wire), Amari-te?

That’s a garbage take.

(And let’s dispense with the idea that this program will be at all voluntary. Any prospect who refuses to submit to it will surely be accused of trying to hide a serious injury, which will effectively give the team just as much leverage as an actual MRI result would have.)

He write deadspin use small words. Strategery work for Trump.

This is a media story. Not a movement.

All I am saying is that comparing the level of deplorability of electing a demagogue/racist/grifter/know-knothing/liar to a couple of click baity tweets from media types and one elector’s ill-reasoned opinion piece in the NYtimes is a false equivalency.