
Its the prototype to measure all other martinis against.

Will, try the St George Terroir. Smells like Mt. Tamalpias in a jar, bay leaf and chaparral. Makes a great martini, more distinctive that the botanivore, which is also very good. Their other one, the red one, I don’t like, too whiskeyee.

try a splash of campari in a G&T. Summer in a glass.

Beck’s is now made in St Louis.

The standard is what a reasonably prudent person would do. Is it reasonable to require a homeowner to make his yard a fortress to keep a neighbor from trespassing on his property? If I was on a jury, a fence that keeps the dog contained is reasonable enough for me.

The alternative definition is the one he properly used.

I would think you are fine. I mean, what more reasonable steps can you take than building a fence?

That’s evidence that you knew the dog had a propensity to bite, making your case worse. As pointed out above, kids tend to be idiots and ignore signs like that.

If only the law, like the rest of life, could be black and white.

Never underestimate the pedantry of a lawyer. Parcing statements to spot issues no one asked about is how they stay busy at their billing stations.

We must have tort reform—to mangle even more meddling children.

The primary benefit of using a backpack is that you carry the “pack” on your “back,” relieving stress on your arms and shoulders. You are using your backpack as a tote that totally removes any rationale for using a backpack, for the superficial reason of casually looking like you disdain convention, even at the cost

Aren’t you an excellent brown noser?! So you use your back pack in a completely non functional manner solely to impress other people, including your biglaw partners, who are universal assholes? Glad you are so unconcerned with “insignificant” appearances.

Yeah, but even as just a cultural artifact with historical proportions you think you’d watch it, even if you just accidently flipped on it on cable on a rainy saturday once in the past 30 years.

yep. the real question is how the movies handled the evolution of DV and Luke, not a hollow complaint that DV isn’t as bad ass as he used to be.

Is she from a different country? Or 14 years old? How does any American avoid these for any length of years?

I like it. Sort of like the Godfather going back to Italy before Michael takes over.

I’m not worried. See:

Except part of “getting your actual job done” is “looking professional,” at least for most.

Don’t want the stuffy leather luxury of the banker/lawyer olds; the strapped-on humpback of an undergrad/blogger; or the sweet smell of ballistic nylon of the corporate drone set? Here is the sweet spot: