Actually, he's Pedroia's brother.
Actually, he's Pedroia's brother.
She was fine—though the beer was lost forever—as security checked on her, and later gave the universal sign for either "home run" or "whoop-dee-doo."
A-Rod may just be looking into a different camera, or he may be staring off into the distance, wondering what's become of his life.
Now you ruined this bipartisan story for bimina1, kyle.
DAmn, takedown from some taco nerds in EssFFF:
"Signed ball, folding chair, what's the difference really, when you think about it."
How do you even make it through the day?
Hey! I was an english major and agree with you.
Is there a better time than during breaking news to point out that networks are unreliable when they are in the middle of a breaking news ratings boner? Should he have written an essay on his kinja page about crappy journalism instead?
The funny part is that Burke posted the clip because, wait for it: its entertaining. Now that he's filled his page click quota for the hour, he hops back on up onto his high horse and demeans the very people creating his own content. Its sort of bizarre.
you and Barry need to get your stories straight.
Wasn't jenks, but it was the best prank ever.
probably got cut off by the one thinking person in the production booth.
The "humor" is exposing cable news networks as being horrible at their jobs (the job of reporting new facts, as opposed to fiction.) the fact that this talking head idiot doesn't even process the answer before continuing with her dumbness is icing on the cake.
Didnt you get the memo? We like Stuart Scott now.
93. So a little before you. I had a blast there, and found cool people (and tools) in all of the houses. It's such a small place that if you made the slightest effort, you could get beyond the superficial and get to know absolutely everyone on the spectrum, from the frattiest of LaxBros to the most hallucinating…
HWS is a weird because it a campus that prides itself on the "separate but equal" co-ordinate system between the two colleges, but sororities are forbidden, leaving a majority of the social capital exclusively in the hands of boys. Do you view the ban on sororities as good or bad?
He probably didn't need to be threatened and just figured it out on his own. Small campus in a small boring town where the social life revolves around greeks, etc...
he refused to testify at the hearing.