
Its been awhile since I have seen sugar, but I don't recall it being all that heartbreaking. In the end, I seem to recall that ultimately, he found a community of similarly situated immigrants in New York who all seemed pretty happy, and with whom he felt at home, and he had a promise of an honest career. Not a

I would applaud this comment, if I could.



Heh, Donald Sterling buys sneakers, too.

OR!!! Tinder and job listing site usage is low in the rural conservative hollars cause unemployed republicans have already banged all their siblings and have alteady been fired from the only mining/body shop jobs available. Pretty sure that's it actually. Thanks for helping me sort through the numbers.

Your act is about as fresh as a Foghat concert.

Cause Phil identified him as a leading candidate for the knicks job.

Maybe your right, but that means lonely unemployed republicans aren't smart enough to use their computers to find jobs and and casual encounters.

So... they are smarter than Republicans, who use their Obama bucks for what... Doritos and meth?

or... unemployed Republicans don't have computers.

Yes, this could mean that Losers (unemployed and lonely) are Democrats, but the better takeaway is that Republican Losers don't have computers or cell phones, hence they will stay unemployed and lonely, while our Losers have a fighting chance to better themselves.

You are dead wrong. Pretend you own a McDonalds, but instead of selling hamburgers, you start selling survival gear and white supremacist literature. Do you think McDonalds can take your franchise away? The answer is yes. Yes they can. The same thing is happening here. A franchise is a license, and per his breach of

Dude, Im not doing your legal research for you. Suffice to say, there is a rule that says that if you violate any provision of the NBA Constitution, the owners can vote you out with 2/3 votes. He also waives the right to sue the NBA, so he has to overcome that. Your original point that he did not violate any policy

This happens all the time in Brazil, nothing to lose your head over.

you really don't know what you are talking about.

Should have stuck with your first instinct.

In this country, that's called free speech.

they take control of the team (they already have). They sell the team. They give him the money. Banks force poor schlubs out of their houses for breaking contracts everyday without "violating the constitution."