Avi Hyman

I haven't seen the show and I can't speak to it but here I go anyway.

When I was a little kid I thought it was I think vampires are so scary so I vote yes

Say what

Say what?

Marcus was going down on Casey. Are we not talking about that?

I was confused because his beard was so long. Was there a 6 months later I missed?

What was up with the bearded guy and the missing person? I was only half watching it I can't find anything in any recap.

Nightvale would make a better series than a movie for sure.


Loved the Nod with Barry in near all the chemicals with the storm in the background.

um. Spoiler Alert!

I thought the dog was her service Animal.  Keeps her calm or whatever?

Did you know most of the money is being put into 5 trusts for the girls?

Mama June and company seem to have more love and compassion for each other and their community than probably 80% of any other family and 100% over anyone like the Kardashians.

A few of these girls may want to talk to Justin Carter about making terroristic threats on the internet.

I was wondering if that is actually the case!

That song was awful and Oswalt is huge these days.

He has every right!  This is still 'murica after all.

He has every right!  This is still 'murica after all.

I don't thinks its vey fair to call the iconic rocket superman comes to Earth in a Macguffin.