Matt Nichelson

I’m sure parking lots will be included. No word on if big yellow taxis will be used though.

I work at a credit union, so I get to see the back side of this. I have people coming in all the time who want to refinance their vehicle because they want a lower interest rate/monthly payment. More often than not they are upside down by at least a few thousand dollars because they didn’t do the math and look at the

In other news, Minneapolis secedes from Minnesota, takes Buffalo with it for some damn reason.

Sometimes people make answers to questions that have never been asked.

Eh, they just heard stories about explorers finding bottles of old wine underwater and were testing a new market with craft beer.

Hmmm. Yeah you’re probably right. I knew it had been a bit, just didn’t think it was that long.

Yup. Not like it made much of a difference anyway. Our inspections consisted of the tech checking to make sure all the exterior lights worked, the horn worked, and that’s it. It was laughable.

I think ya missed the sarcasm there. I hate this state.

I guess my state is good for some things, like not requiring a state inspection on vehicles. They stopped that last year.

Trust me, you don’t want to move here. I’ve lived here all my life and want to move out.

We stopped requiring vehicle inspections last year. That should explain everything.

Love me some 311 back in the day.

Woah oh..... Amber is the color of the resin, see.

Didn’t think I would come across a car in this article with a Mississippi tag. Sweet.

I do believe that is a late C1 Corvette.

Add Herbstreit to the list of dumbass sports media pundits who felt the need to be a bitch on Twitter. He also retweeted something from that dumbshit Ziegler.

Add Kirk Herbstreit to that list. He was a complete idiot on Twitter yesterday and also retweeted something from Ziegler.

Now playing

This bunch of shit. Mainly because I know the guy and can’t stand him. I did laugh at him getting a pie in the face though. She just needed to throw a little harder.

These things can handle anything, including trips through Africa to find the source of the Nile.

Some say he would be the perfect (and humorous) fit for the show.