
And there we go! Of course it didn’t lose value. It was a cheap fucking stunt to get publicity. Seriously, just fuck Banksy and his stunts and shit. Real artists struggle on the daily to make ends meats, while this hack sells this “art” to rich people who only value it because the media has made a big deal out of him.

The first season was great. The 2nd season was OK. Watched a couple of this season and have now taken it off the DVR. 

eesh, this is...this kinda awkward now, isn’t it.

They’ve actually joined forces, becoming WuHu.

While afraid they might do it, I never seriously thought her fate was death. I think Jimmy just screws her over in an unforgivable way, or otherwises uses her for his own ends without regard to her. Maybe she loses her law license?

Well out of 9 seasons you watched 2 episodes seems like you gave it a fair chance. 

How is there not video of this? Am I missing something?

It’s weird that I tend to agree with like 85% of the AVClub’s editorializing but still find it really grating and awful because it’s always so desperately ham-fisted into every article.

“The fact that nobody can figure out whether its hashtag is serious or not is the point means they haven’t been paying attention for the last 20 years.”

I also notoced they added the review later and put it way down the page. AV club isnt what it used to be. They dont take jokes well when its about them or something they may disagree with. More of an echo chamber now than anything. I only really read it out of habit and for the comments section, which is increasingly

That’s the thing: There’s a lot they can do. The problem is they seem to be treating the Good Place as a destination and an end instead of another piece of the puzzle. What if they get to the Good Place (or they did last year) and found out that it sucked?

This review reads like a plea to ditch nuance and pick a lane when it comes to satirizing something as big as American Culture.

I’m a little confused why the reviewer thinks that this season is doing season 20 style serialization when three episodes in it’s fairly apparent that they’re doing stand alone episodes with heavier continuity, more along the lines of last season or season 18. So no, we probably won’t see Mr. Hankey again, or even the

They’ll make the argument that the PC crowd is going way too far and getting much too angry in one scene, then argue that they’re being completely reasonable the next. Admittedly, this is understandable when we figure that the movement can be commendable in some cases, and regrettable in others (say, the Justine Sacco

A television show didn’t present a clear moral position and now you’re confused as to how you should feel? That’s the most depressingly pathetic admission I’ve read in a long time, John. 

“What really derails this episode, however, is that we’re never supposed to know exactly how we’re supposed to feel about what’s going on here.”

It’s endlessly fascinating how “woke” fans of this show are actually trying to spin this episode into something they can agree with. Hankey is portrayed as a literal and figurative piece of shit, but that doesn’t mean the show’s against his existence. They’re clearly portraying the townspeople as socially reactive

I’m sincerely baffled by your need to be moralised-to by South Park. The ideology of South Park is “here are the things we think it’s politically OK to laugh at”. I don’t understand why you think you’re, er, supposed to be supposed to feel a particular way, beyond “thats funny and I am comfortable laughing at it” or

Jesus Christ, the typos. Are you writing this shit on Ambien?