
So like her run for governor then?

Che was a Joker origin story, right?

Nothing will ever top that In Living Color special that stole virtually the entire viewing audience away from the actual halftime show.

You’re brain is very wrong, and contradicting top medical experts, if it believes that testing (using a test that has a very high false negative rate) is an adequate substitutions for vaccination and herd immunity. Your brain is wrong if it thinks that the health and lives of the immunocompromised of which there are

Your brain is wrong about vaccines and the immunocompromised. You, a guy and a thought, are helping perpetuate myths and attitudes that are both incorrect, dangerous to the health of others, and morally indefensible. We need enough vaccination for herd immunity. Measles vaccination rate is over 90% in the country.

You’re shrugging off the very real consequences, including death, as a something that the immunocomprimised should just accept, because hey, life already tough for them, so whats a little more? It’s callous, ableist and wrong. 

No, I’m making assumptions based on what you’ve said here. And it really doesn’t sound like you’re vaccinated.

It makes sense why The Academy might do this

No, it’s not going to 100% prevent you from ever catching covid, but it does greatly reduce your chances. The lower the chance of infection, the lower the probabability of transmitting the virus and the lower the chance of it mutating. The vaccine is still enormously important beyond not personally dying. Not to

That’s very short sighted. How many will there be on March 27th? Or in New York City next fall? Or Tallahassee in July? Or when I go to the UK in September? What will be happening around the country over Spring Break? The best way to reduce the risk that there will not be an outbreak in the future is to vaccinate as

Thank you. 

You missed the entire point. It isn’t just them suffering. When you have a heart attack and there is no ICU bed because they are full of unvaccinated COVID patients, you suffer. When your kid’s unvaccinated teacher tests positive and you have to find day care overnight or stay home from work, you suffer. When your

NO. NO. NO. This is not the fucking way.

There's articles? 

in palm beach florida pie fucks you!

Scorsese has been doing exactly that for decades. Take a look at his filmography as a producer - it’s mostly small movies, many of them directed by female directors and POC directors (To name just a few, Spike Lee and Alison Anders back in the 90s, Joanna Hogg and Josephine Decker more recently.)

When I typed “unsent message to Anton” into Google, I found the image below. Look man, you’ve got to face the reality that you two havn’t been together for a while now. You have to let her go, even if she does have pretty decent taste in underappreciated indie bands.

No its not the same thing, and that is precisely the point. I had a lot less going on and the information was easier to manage. 

I mean that’s exactly what I said.

1) SJP, Kim publicly broke up with you and the franchise first several years ago. If you want to claim you broke up with her first, okay. But at least you’re respecting her wishes instead of making her the butt of most of the jokes on your show.