
I like how she zooms rather than just leaning towards the camera.

Honestly, any of the scenes involving Tormund seem that way to me. Gwendoline Christi is an actual goddess, but she pulls off the best awkward stare every time they’re together. Like she’s genuinely alarmed to be so close to him.

Interesting typo, considering the context here.

He does big things with it so he deserves the moniker regardless of physical size.

I’m a heterosexual man with a daughter...but I’m not ashamed to say I have a man-crush on Tormund Giantsbane. Iwant him to give me a big ass bear-hug and lift me off my feet.

I guess this would be a little too comical for GoT...

omg that was what I kept cry-repeating to my husband last night (who couldn’t believe I was tearing up). I was like, honestly I get why she likes Jaime but Tormund GETS HER and just like 10000% supports who she is. Come on Brienne look at Tormund!! 

$15 for the LA area is fucking poverty and they know it. assholes

Also, his support of Brienne is so pure. I will actually cry if he dies.


Ha ha, sure do get this reference! Yep!

Remember in, what, 1993? When Mossimo was a “cool” brand?

Coachella, who cares, let’s talk about Carly Simon, because I am in my dotage.

My sophomore year of college, a small group of girlfriends and I went to Florida and stayed with one of their grandmas. On the beach one day, our bubbly pageant-queen friend flagged down some guys on a boat. Literally just swam out there, got on, and waved at all of us to join her. We went, and oh my god I fell in

I’m living in a s***y one bedroom apartment, so of course I would. But, if we’re going to talk about tragic decor, what about the knife stand in the kitchen that looks like a man being stabbed, or the sign that says “Yo” or “Oy” depending on which way you’re looking?

Yes, OF COURSE. The worst part, honestly, are those freaky Mickey Mouses next to the best tv.

I can’t watch the video, so no clue if they mentioned this, but this is a gated community inside a gated community, which is always a hilarious concept. Also the owner started Adult Friend Finder, so there is that! 

I actually helped cater an event there as Bell was putting on a fundraiser for a congresswoman at the

LOL HE was the best!!!!

Look, I think Alec Baldwin is an ass but anyone who condemns him for losing his temper when his parking spot got stolen in the Village just hasn’t had to find parking there.