
Also, it’s n’est-ce pas.

Counterpoint: he looks like Howdy Doody and his politics are Chucky.

Takeaway: Maybe you should start buying weed again.

Yes, Jenner heifer!

Wow, her new monogram is awkward af.

What... the fuck?

I love you, Megan. Best delivery of a sly TrickDaddy reminder... And added to my playlist so I can feel 90s invincible + bonus dash of overgroomed hot bich ‘tude.

Humans DO dumpster dive. You have not (unfortunately) hit upon the One True Way to Do Good. Extend your congratulations beyond self.

Why not “ask permission”? Don’t give away what’s not yours and don’t assume others won’t support or strengthen your efforts. You robbed your employer of product AND pride.

I think that might be his schtick with everyone. The Lin Manuel Miranda episode stood out to me for that reason, as well.

These takes make me wonder if you are literally the opposite of me.

“Allen’s Hummingbird” is a species of hummingbird. I bet this is that. #birdnerd

Marry me.


I believe the same way you do. And without doubt. I’m comforted knowing I’m not alone:)

Love to you and your beautiful angel❤️ I’m so sorry for the pain you have endured.

What’s this about the KKK & the Panthers?