
That is still one of the most disturbing scenes I've... seen. I don't know why. I've seen gross horror movies, and even that transporter accident in DS9, but that scene from TMP. Ugh. That sticks with you.

That makes sense. In NY everyone took the SAT, and the ACT was like a secondary. In Arkansas virtually everyone has taken the ACT.

Yeah. The ribbon in Word is a wonderful thing. I was skeptical at first, but it's a profound improvement over the menu set up. Same with Windows Explorer.

Like the "I don't care if you're gay, just don't rub it in my face" people. Yeah, gay people are fine as long as they don't talk about being gay or show any affection in public. As long as you can pretend they don't exist, right?

Honestly, you would have to try pretty hard to render your computer unusable.

I really want shower knobs the size of steering wheels in my shower. It's even better if they take several rotations to operate. I want to feel like I'm on a boat.

like some kind of retro medical device

That's horsepower. The 516 is torque.

I'm a heavy tipper, so typically 5 dollars minimum on anything over like... 8 dollars. When I hit 25 bucks for a total, I start to raise it. It really depends on my mood though and how the service was. Obviously if the waiter was verbally abusive I wouldn't tip so well. I think mostly what I don't like about the

I specifically said I don't tip a specific percentage, so I have no idea what the first paragraph is addressing, or why you would think I would do that.

Literally everyone knows this. And literally everyone I know (and I live in the US) can use the metric system, so don't patronize us with you're unfounded elitism.

Personally, I'm not big on the whole "tip this percent for good service, this percent for play service..." I just tip a good amount. You're not going to get in trouble for tipping too much. I get that you can't always do that, but it seems a bit stingy to calculate your tip. I don't know.


Lol @ god.

I have never seen that woman play a roll that did make me want to chokeslam her.

It is interesting. Typically one loans money to a party they know will be able to pay it back. It is financially advantageous to do so. And typically I don't think the goal of a loan is to hold it over someone's head. I could be incorrect, since I don't actually know anything.

Most atheists are minding their own damn business.

A lot of the included windows 7 wallpapers made me uncomfortable.

As a CNY/NNY native who lives in Arkansas, I couldn't agree more. Their big draw is flavored soda, which is weird as hell. They're good at flavoring drinks, but I don't understand why that's so appealing here. How it works for them is beyond me, but good for them I guess.

Probably one out of every ten pictures on my phone is of my car's radio.