
“his fellow Democrats in Congress”

Would give you ten stars if I could. Bought my first Cadillac, a ‘13 ATS just before I turned 30. Completely intuitive, very easy to use.

Wouldn’t be ripe. And you don’t even know if they will stay with that team for seven years, and whether California would have jurisdiction. So no.

You think you’re getting in front of a federal judge, a decision, an appeal to the circuit, oral argument and a decision, cert filed and granted, oral argument in front of SCOTUS, and a decision from them in weeks? Uhhhhhhhh

I don’t know. When they delay boarding to get the Trumps on the plane and in their seats before anyone else, through a separate exit (!) and the entire flight is delayed because of that, I think it’s totally fair when boarding your now late flight and seeing that is the reason why to ask why they aren’t flying

Not accurate. The job description has to fit a number of parameters that basically amounts to a desk/cubicle/office job. Wouldn’t apply to them anyway.

Didn’t you just kill yourself?

Really misleading commentary on the polls, Dom. The fact that one was sponsored and one independent doesn’t mean much when they weren’t the same polls at all.

I know this is a joke, but he hates Hillary for voting for the Iraq war. That’s why he really “announced” his candidacy, believed that was disqualifying. So, you know, you won’t find him near her convention. If you actually want an e-mail on his whereabouts, you’ll have to be willing to leave the convention.