
Maybe everyone at Splinter is hoping to get hired as speechwriters for Bernie as well.

I thought it was kind of forgettable but ok, more in the Ant-Man vein than Black Panther, but I’m happy for Brie Larson.

“Netflix is making all of their shows fit an algorithm...”

Bernie lost to Hillary by 3,000,000 votes, maybe if he wants to win the nomination he’ll get more votes than the other candidates this time.

Just to get past all this internecine fighting, some combination of Kamala and Bernie will gets this done right? Can we just skip all the rest of this?

Take enough gun manufacturer’s to court and they won’t have enough money left over to fund the NRA, for one.

That man is either a. a liar, or b. a sociopath.

I think the rise of “influencer” lifestyle is the first very real indication that I’m getting old, and the world is starting not to make sense to me.


I mean, he was always compared to Dwight Gooden coming up so....guess he held up his end of the bargain?

I honestly don’t think there’s anyone left to block on twitter after a couple of days ago but you’re right this out to flesh out the last few.

Honestly expanding at an alarming rate every day, and I’m only 33.

Here’s a virtue you could consider signalling: reading comprehension skills.

You don’t have to be a moral authority to point out when people are being shitty. Shitty behavior is shitty behavior.

It’s really just short hand for “Why do people keep pointing out how racist/sexist/homophobic I am?”

I don’t know how long you’re going to be slumming it, here, but I will certainly enjoy it while it lasts.

You didn’t buy a sound free environment so they’re as entitled to the space as you are, they also spent the $700 jackass.

Purple smells like Aunt Margaret’s mouth after I finish, everyone knows that.

We do New York Times Dead Letters around here, now?

What is the argument against this?