Green Party members love to criticize people in power because they never have to be responsible for anything since no one elects them.
Green Party members love to criticize people in power because they never have to be responsible for anything since no one elects them.
Yes, and also...I do have to deal with them...I live in New England.
James Garfield made stump speeches in German to appeal to immigrants, the idea that European cultures assimilated quicker is fucking nonsense.
Troy is bland so sometimes you forget he’s even there, but Collinsworth is annoying and makes me actively hate listening after awhile. I prefer Troy.
We just want it so bad and we’re so very dumb and sorry.
JD Drew.
This is learned helplessness and it’s something you need to fight. I understand being very scared of being alone with a baby, especially if you didn’t particularly have a lot of experience watching babies before you had one. But you grit your teeth and fake your way through it and the kid lives, your wife doesn’t go…
I think you could fairly criticize him for a lot of what happened in Philadelphia and even some previous years in Kansas City but that wouldn’t change the fact that he did fine yesterday.
Pfffft, Patriots would have lost if Dee Ford didn’t line up offside, Andy did fine.
Crash was more nuanced than Green Book.
Wow, if only you knew how this comment would age.
60% of the country agrees with that, even a notable percentage of republicans.
I’m for all those things? I don’t understand the anger you’re directing at me right now? 59% of Americans support 70% tax on highest bracket, which includes...centrist democrats, we’re on board!
Hi! Centrist Democrat here, not a strawman person you’re making up. We also support taxing rich people at 70%, I’m sure you’re excited to hear that since it’s something we both agree on and could work on together.
She rigged it so she could get 3 million more votes than Bernie Sanders? A mean feat, can’t imagine why she didn’t use that magical power to win the big election, then.
Jesus Chris, it wasn’t already?
I 20 years time a lot of them will be dead. Lord willing everyone else will have been more or less raised on the internet and maybe a little more savvy about what they’re reading.
Exactly what I was thinking! Steelers have tried this same bullshit for years with Brady, and only won the last time because they finally played a focused press coverage. You can’t sit back and wait for Tom Brady to make mistakes.
Went and saw Vice and If Beale Street Could Talk in theaters. I didn’t love Vice but the vitriol for it struck me as odd, Bale and Adams are great, not sure the movie coalesces, but a great reminder of how awful and secretive the Bush administration was. Beale Street looked absolutely gorgeous and the acting in it was…