
He wasn’t nominated.

Umm....Susan Collins repeal of Obamacare?

Am I the only one who was immediately disappointed when I realized this wasn’t a column?

Great, now how can I delete all my kinja comments?

And I’m allowed to make fun of you for having a silly opinion. See, everyone’s allowed here.

You: I think this person is hilarious, and also I like most of their politics, but they also have a brother who doesn’t like unions, so you can see the pickle I’m in.

Why is she responsible for her brother’s company one she has no affiliation with whatsoever? Do you have any siblings. I would rather be fed to piranhas than held responsible for my siblings actions or politics. All you can do is control yourself.

Piss honestly isn’t that bad, either.

Did you read the whole article? Because Benjamin Wittes himself argues that the evidence seems to support Dr. Ford’s case more than Kavanuagh’s.

Ripping on the Benjamin Wittes article, which I actually thought was a good piece.


I had a guy slap me in the face at a bar after he told me I looked like Harry Potter’s older lamer brother “Harold Potter.” Am I part of the club now, guys?

Well then I respectfully ask for them back, please. Was this all it took the whole time?

Because they’ve also raped people?

Almost as annoying as the “funny answers from kid’s tests” that are clearly bullshit.

Also fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you Carolina. The Whalers are literally all we have. Get your own stupid traditions.

“Hartford one of America’s shittiest cities...”

I don’t think I’ve felt this much existential angst and depression since the week after Trump was elected. 

I play video games and I couldn’t tell you shit about Destiny. Literally don’t know thing one about it. Other than my nephew tells me he plays it and then I lose interest in the conversation.

I’m a Raiders fan, and I’m just glad that Khalil Mack didn’t somehow affect this pennant race. Because I’m already 2 bleach containers in over here.