
Door’s that way.

The cool kids hate Oscar front runners. So it shall be for the rest of time.

Lot of the comments there were dog whistling about not believing black athletes should be quarterbacks.

Oh Jesus Christ. So now that purity test extends to not only do we have to agree with you assholes on everything but it has to be for the right reasons.

13 year old me is not having this because he loved 12 year old Lindsay Lohan. Loved her!

I don’t know if there’s money in him in the ring but at the least he could be a killer old school style manager. Look at poor Roman trying to cut a promo in the clip above. Not a lot of guys can talk like Enzo and make it sound natural, sadly it’s a rare skill in wrestling right now.

Apparently there’s been a qb apocalypse in Buffalo and Peterman is Nathan Peterman, who is taking most of the reps for the Bills right now.

You’re willfully obtuse about him. The promo he caught after Cass turned on him was pretty great. I wasn’t as big a fan of the Summerslam one but to not see the talent he has means you’re just blind.

I don’t think average fans give a shit about the bullshit teenage girl drama of “pissing off the boys in the locker room.” I don’t really understand why you care, either. Talking too loud on a cell phone hardly seems like a reason to derail someone’s career.

Why would him blackballing Enzo get him more fans?

Humans that disagree with you are still humans.

“The are who we thought they were,” trope can die now, please.

Leave Heathers alone, that movie is immaculate.

I don’t really see what he thinks the world gains by him sharing that opinion. People like what they like James, who are you to judge their experience. If women find a certain character empowering that’s a positive thing. I don’t understand why progressives always want to fight about the “right way” to be progressive.

Can I get off the Cara Delvigne train here?

Yes, you, and you alone have access to polls. You are the worst kind of an idiot. You’re an idiot who thinks they’re a genius.

I think we can all agree that the answer to the future is for every political candidate to think only exactly as I do. Whatever ways in which they differ from me is the root cause of all the problems that any candidate experiences. Any issues that this country has going forward also, by extension, are because they

Why is nothing more infuriating to liberals than people who aren’t liberal in the exact same way they are?

Oh sweet Christ we’re so fucked in 2020.

Right if there was some guy who had say a different array of talents, maybe he had a strong arm and was mobile, and he had led a team to a Super Bowl. Sure...then you’d sign a guy like that. But where can you find a guy like that?