
I have never heard of this before but I totally and completely get it. The scene in Her when Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson engage in....I guess you'd call it phone sex made me super uncomfortable in the theater because I found it so intimate and erotic.

They had the ball on the one and they threw a pass into coverage on second down dude. They handed you the game. I'm sorry if that hurts your pride but that's how every non Pats fan will always view this game.

So....you're basically just saying you don't know a lot of people? Or that you deliberately surround yourself with insufferable people.

I would argue Wild should have gotten Best Picture nod over The Theory of Everything and the Imitation Game as well. Haven't seen American Sniper yet but my guess is it's probably a stronger contender than that as well.

In what way? The money isn't arrived at arbitrarily, if you gave baseball players less it just means the owners would make more. You have to remember they have literally 10 times the amount of games as football. So even for teams that draw only 1 million people that's moving a lot of Coca-Cola.

He did not originate that line, it is directly from the screenplay for Mystery, Alaska.

He's talking about Mystery Alaska, there's literally a line where not the woman but Ron Eldard says "I live in Alaska, so I fornicate and play hockey because they're the two most fun things to do in the cold." So most likely he's referring to Lolita Davidovitch, the character Eldard has an affair with in that movie.

I could see him making more than Amy Adams, because she hasn't spearheaded any major box office smashes like the Hangover. But Jennifer Lawrence was the lead in one of the biggest movie franchises of the last 20 years. Get a better agent Ms. Lawrence.

Maid Merian could get it, she had crazy sexy cartoon eyes..........oh fuck I post under my real name on this site.

Forced sex porn baffles me as a man. If you're engaging in sexual fantasies, a place where literally anything can happen, why do the women in your sex fantasies still not want to have sex with you? It's so fucking creepy.

I'm unreasonably fired up that Drew Magary bussed tables in my hometown. Also this clears up why he was familiar with Goshen, CT (the most in the middle of nowhere place on Earth) and put it in his book. Also that's about the most Torrington story of all time, the town is like 60% senior citizens and they think you

I asked most of the women in my life the same question and they say it's never happened to them so it makes me think this must be a big city type of thing.

.........................Dude...fuck that guy forever.

Or it proves Kinsey's theory that sexuality exists more on a spectrum than an either/or condition.

I don't talk to strangers on the street. I have never hit on a woman that I didn't know beforehand. But deciding that every individual person gets to decide what is acceptable behavior doesn't make sense. We don't all have individual definitions of what theft is, there is a codified definition of it to make sure that

Street harassment is an amorphous term that might mean something specific to you but has no specified meaning at this moment. I agree that street harassment is unacceptable behavior...I'm saying that rather than personalizing that meaning it would be helpful for everyone to agree what that means specifically.

I don't assume everyone wants to talk to strangers on the street. I don't talk to people I don't know ever. I'm not comfortable with the phrase, "You don't get to decide what makes other people uncomfortable," because it's amorphous. If the line is truly, "Don't ever talk to anyone you don't know," that seems

Yeah the idea that there might be some characters in a game that aren't exactly like you "ruining games," is a baffling one.

Please note I don't mean this in reference to the video where the conduct of all the men was repellant. But what if what makes you uncomfortable is unreasonable? What if you're someone who suffers from paranoid delusions and the mere presence of someone on the same street of you makes you uncomfortable. Is the onus

I had an ex in high school who claimed she was a "dreamwalker." A dreamwalker apparently entered another dimension in their dreams, in which they would become a god that could control plants and animals with their mind. My dreamwalking ex's spirit guide tiger told her that we couldn't be together, so she had to end it.