I see a lot of complaints but I loved this.
I see a lot of complaints but I loved this.
Yeah word if anything everyone's more athletic now and they'd pose more problems, can you imagine John Stockton or a 31 year old Magic Johnson trying to guard Derrick Rose or Rajon Rondo? Please.
And also as far as the owner's box goes, yeah Larry Lucchino is the real problem in this clubhouse, he chased the best general manager in team history out of town and then foisted this joke on us.
It's ridiculous that you're trying to scapegoat Adrian and Pedey, Adrian's going to end up around 4 WAR for the season which is not as great as his top 10 MVP level performance last year but is still plenty good. This is one of the best offenses in baseball, the players who just "need to step it up" are the pitchers.…
Not to mention every financial representative in this movie who isn't Bruce Wayne or Lucius Fox is a dirtbag. The movie has just as much in it that could be interpreted as liberal as conservative but in today's black and white media culture everyone feels like it has to be one or the other. Because people aren't so…
The main protagonist of the Dark Knight Rises squanders his fortune investing in a renewable energy that he's able to produce but is afraid to use because other people would want to weaponize it. The movie is no inherently conservative or liberal it simply is a movie, any other reading of it is just employing false…
Here's his career WAR: 30 which makes him an ok major leaguer, roughly around as valuable as John Valentin. He never had a war over 4 in any season....ever. He's not a great player, he was a good player on a great team in the second largest media market in the country. As far as his gold gloves his defensive WAR is…
And dude get real Joe Morgan, Pete Rose, Mike Schmidt all of those dudes were better than him I could probably list 20 more he wasn't the best player of any decade unless you time travel dropped him into the 1880's
Yes he made a bunch of All Star teams because people didn't understand what actually contributed to WINNING baseball games. It's great that he was famous but he wasn't as valuable as people thought at the time, and your argument that he's a hall of famer because people MISTAKENLY thought he was a great player is…
The problem with Mattingly is that he was great for four to five years and just ok for the rest of his career. If that makes him a Hall of Famer it makes a lot of people Hall of Famers.
You think a first basemen with a .329 OBP for his career is a Hall of Famer? Steve Garvey was an ok player for a short time, he was never a great player, hes' a very famous player who happened to play in a large market.
You realize that because relief pitchers pitch so few innings they're way more open to random fluctuations in their stats so what they're saying about john axford could be completely fair and right?
I found his re-use of the "what a (insert idiot term) I was" sentence kind of grating but everything in between was spot on and I have to say this is a surprisingly good article.
It makes perfect sense for a supremely heterosexual sports radio host to idly wonder which players are sucking dick, so much so that you bring it up in a completely random spot. There's nothing gay about this obsession guys, I'm just wondering about what happens to players sucking dick, we're gonna raze em' right? …
Anyone who thinks Jack Morris was a better pitcher than Bert Blyleven shouldn't be taken seriously anyway. Jack Morris was a slightly better than average pitcher on great teams and Bert Blyleven was a great pitcher on horrible teams.
Am I the only person in the world that used to love NFL Primetime? It seems like the universal opinion is against Chris Berman and I can sort of understand that but there was definitely a time in my life where I loved his schtick.
Steve Carrell wasn't in Due Date
People pay to see Adam Sandler's bad movies, so the real question is, why would movies invest time and money into making good movies (when Adam Sandler's good movies don't make money) when it's a safer investment and less costly to make bad movies?
Are you making a James Garfield reference and hoping that no one notices James doesn't start with A?
The problem I had with Grantland initially is that it seemed like Bill Simmons decided that ESPN had invested "too much into stats" and he wanted to be an editor of a website not to create interesting content but just to present the idea that stats are stupid. In this pursuit he let a lot of people make a lot of…