
Didn’t see Red Hook Summer. Did see By The Sweet Blood… and found Spike’s issues there-blazing! For years I’ve felt he needed to write less and direct more. He gets confusing and gratuitous in the midst of trying to make a politically cogent point. I felt what could have been an excellent discussion of addiction,

Stoya didn’t specify where Deen’s rape/s of her took place or whether or not they were filmed and distributed, but Kora Peters did. Deen’s violent rape of Peters was approved of and filmed by a pornography crew, distributed by a pornography company, and watched and masturbated over by pornography users.

I used to totally rip off her style in my teens and 20’s. She was so beautiful and chic, I don’t care what crazy Uncle Karl says

She looks like Ines De la Fressange, who was Lagerfeld’s muse until 1989, when he called her “everything that is boring, bourgeois, and provincial.”

This is the kind of gross shit 50 Shades of Grey normalized. Blurring the lines between consensual BDSM/rough sex and rape/abuse. And the public absolutely ate up both that shitty book and James Deen’s body of work, which included actual rape. Violent misogyny has entered the mainstream and been sold to women (and

Sqarr is psychotic. I can’t believe he gets any respect around here.

Commenters need to stop saying stuff like that the pornography industry is handling this well and that other men in it weren’t actively supporting, facilitating, and profiting from Deen’s rapes.

Why are you praising Kink.com?

The porn industry has been shifting toward increasingly violent, misogynistic simulations of rape and abuse over the past few decades under the umbrella of “gonzo.” I think anyone with eyes can see that. And the most durable justification for this trend was that this was all entirely consensual, and that the female

Really? Because I was just thinking the entire industry and everyone who ever hired him should be deeply ashamed that this alleged serial predator was given free range to abuse, assault and harass his co-workers on set for so long with no repercussions. He himself said in a previous interview that many female

Can’t believe all the millennial children getting upset about porn stars. It’s like you’re surprised that scum act like scum....

Goddamn, she was one tough lady.

Yes. What annoys me most about this narrative is how it completely ignores the lifetime of activism that she led. In addition to ignoring her decades of work with the NAACP to seek justice for sexual assault victims, she was also interested in anti-authoritarian organizing. In the summer of 1955 she traveled to

Seriously an iconic woman throughout her entire life.

The kiss. The bird-seed-breathed kiss seals it.

Thanks for that. It’s kind of related to my field and something I’m interested in partly because I think it has wider applications.

Sorry, I was drunk!

Seriously, the obsequious commenters who praise the “writers” are fucking weak.

Tell us more about this open consent by just being there. Tell us more about this open consent to a woman’s body because she is just there in the same room with these other men. Please. Do share. Did the open consent fairy say so? So a women with a contract comes into the KINK.COM offices, films a scene, takes a