
Maybe we should worry more about why an article about challenging beauty ideals on a feminist site still gets mostly comments about how great the women in the story’s body parts are?

Bunny rabbit, I hope you realize the triggery people who find you ridiculous are not necessarily jealous or angry. They may likely have 10x the privilege you seem so blithe about, they just aren’t spoiled by their families. And they sure as shit don’t talk about their bounty all “Oh hey, my rents bought me a house

Why would you choose that photo to accompany a story on Tupac?

What? I have no idea what you are talking about. Although I will say that the people who care whether they are gray or not are the saddest people in the GM universe. Congrats on your house, momma’s boy.

Aren’t you a delightful representation of the Jezebel mindset. Your wife is so lucky!

I love how people here are giving you a blowjob for admitting your privilege, it is classic.

I’ve also said that I accept the meanness. You want to call that complaining, have at it.

OMG, whatever it is I said, you have latched on to it like a dog with a bone. Just stop. Please. I do not like Amy Schumer. I think she is overpraised. It has nothing to do with you! I did not start this thread by saying “Amy Schumer sucks, and also whassa clearly has no idea what it means to grind.” Why do you need

Twice you have told me that my life must be better than yours because I relate to a woman looking the fuck over her life in a position she clearly doesn’t want to be in.

Got it. Non-legally speaking, I don’t make a distinction between what porn actors do and what prostitutes do. It is basically the same thing, only one is legal for some reason.

Your comments make it seem like you really don’t understand how photography, art, empathy, other people and some other things work.

Yes, whereas prostitutes are doing it for their own gratification! Sit down please.

HAY I am on your side here! Two comments later you wanted to give me 100 stars. :(

Are you telling me that when you really think about women on their grind, you picture an overrated rich white girl drinking coffee in basic Loubs and panties, posing for Annie Leibovitz, hack of all hacks? Your grind is very different from mine.

You have a listening issue. No one gives two fucks about what porn you like.

And your groveling pussy accepts whatever comes at it

I said not one word criticizing anyone’s body here, but I encourage you to prove me wrong. Thanks for blathering on for five paragraphs about how you’re feministing better than me though.

I’m like the most prissy-pantsed person about being bumped into (sans a “pardon” or “sorry”), cut off, or otherwise subjected to rude behavior, but if I refused to pilot a plane for every person being unintentionally rude in an airport, I don’t think I’d be doing a heck of a lot of flying, is what I’m saying.

See, this is my problem with this site and its commitment to 3rd wave choosing-my-choice feminism. I’m not talking about you or any other commenter as a consumer of porn; that’s your business and you can make your own decisions TYVM etc. But always, ALWAYS there is someone here to remind you that THE LADIES LOVE PORN

Abtahi told the Morning News that he “truly hopes” the decision was not related to his race: “[B]ut the thought did cross my mind since I haven’t shaved in five days and my hair is a mess. I’ve been on a beach for five days.”