whoarder is tellurium

Te headline is very misleading. They didn’t run checks for carry licenses, not gun purchases. The shop would do it’s own NICS check that doesn’t have anything to do with the idiot in question.

You do NOT need thw CCW to OWN a gun in FL; just to carry it outside the house. You are allowed to open carry while hunting or fishing, so a LOT of folks don’t bother with the permits anyway and just carry a fishing rod along with their weapons. Yes, this IS cause for alarm, but no, not as much as the press is making

Clickbait title makes it seem like they didn’t do a BG check on someone purchasing a firearm when it was about applying for a concealed carry permit. Definitely a difference.

You have to run the check to buy a gun, this was for the concealed carry license.

And the electron pump probably lost its prime.

Simple, they ran it dry and the filter got blocked with sediment. Cars still work that way, right?

it’s spelled thicc

So what if they are? Trump is doing a great job.

Its funny that hats can trigger people. Its the 90s all over again.

Terrible take is terrible. What if you want to commute to work, carry a family AND still do SUV things? I should buy 3 cars? Nuts to you.

Do you have to be a dick? Just tell him or don’t respond. While I am assuming they are the carbon flash, I can’t tell off the configurator the difference between the two and I am not colorblind.

Yes, he really does. I’ve only half followed his channel but I’ve seen it grow from the early stages.

The TU-144D crash in Paris was caused by a French Air Force jet shaddowing it taking photo’s of the canards when the Tu-144 pulled up sharply and almost collided with the Mirage. It then didn’t have enough altitude to recover from the push over maneuver at lower then expect speed and broke up during the panic pull

Came to the comments to say this. You’d think Jalopnik would be familiar with both flavors of NASA

(yes, the American government NASA, is there any other kind?)

Johan de Nysschen right now:

worked at APG (Human Engineering Lab specifically) in the early 80's for 3 yrs before I joined the Navy. Us young’ins got to help test vehicles when they couldnt get enough drivers, and it was more fun that a person should be allowed to have. Work on aviation stuff during the day, get to drive HMMWV’s at night. No

Wait, is that...?