whoarder is tellurium


Is... Is that a truck boat truck?

Is it me or does it low key look like a Miata from the front?

Pirelli Jelly.

Americans are fed the illusion of freedom when the country has largely devolved into a police state, especially for the poor and minorities.

The answer is gun control laws.

Please see Massachusetts 

nothing to do that with the fact a guy with an history of domestic abuse could just run into a gun store, buy a firearms and a truckload of ammo

Man. Now only if those signs that disarmed law abiding citizens also worked for criminals that break laws the same way.
What a crazy mixed up place we live in where CRIMINALS DON’T FOLLOW GUN LAWS when they break other laws.

1) are you arguing that mental health didn’t play a role?

They also make lovely light fixtures.

I am almost 100% certain it’s a VW Jetta. My neighbor owns one and it looks pretty much identical. The taillights, headlights, wheels, overall shape and chrome window trim are a dead giveaway.

You’re right. He’s one of us.

Come on, dude, on any other site they might be allowed to call him a madman. But here? Wouldn’t he just be a regular Jalop?

“His campaign manager as well as an advisor are now in hot water over their ties to the Russians.”

Clarification purposes:

Whyareyouwastingchampagne? Youshouldstopdoingthat. Iwillhaveitifyoudon’twantit.