whoarder is tellurium

The “arm chair” journalists and related media would have us believe that the only people who can assist in situations like this is the state/fed government, local LEO/Fire and Military. In their view, volunteer civilians simply cannot have the necessary training or even remotely understand how to assist others in an

Well, they wouldn’t if you were a professional LEO or in the military.

Bias, stereotypes and ratings/clicks. Lots of misinformation follows.

Well, that’s that. They better pack it up and go home. Damn them for trying to help and do good in this imperfect world.

I am outraged.

I recently found one for sale in Washington:

Hillary should’ve been punished for violating her security clearance. Plain and simple. Anyone else in the federal government would’ve been convicted and sent to jail for that type of blatant mishandling of sensitive data.

I get paid in liters of cola.

“Yet it has been the overwhelming priority of the Trump administration., at the expense of practically everything else. That is what does not make sense.”

Hey now, this isn’t the cold war anymore. Obama said it himself.

Did it ever cross your mind that Russia’s attempts to influence our election were in fact JUST attempts? I don’t recall anyone saying they were successful.

We’re shooting ourselves in the foot if we don’t try to get along or improve relations with Russia.

So, do you or do you not want the President to have a working relationship with Putin? This far, every time Trump has met with or talked about Putin, we’re suddenly back to “OMG COLLUSION” “OMG INTERFERENCE”.

Oh, that was right in the feels. RIP Furai.

Alpine, please come to America. Please Please Please.

Hell of a start! Vettel still thinks Bottas jumped it too. (go figure)

Wait, what does this have to do with cars again? Oh, its Uber (again).

Your idea is intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

I think Verstappen finds curb contact repulsive.

Uhh, I see it the other way. I see the DNC, MSM and Hillary supporters in that picture.