whoarder is tellurium

Mmmm that silver F40LM is perfection. Absolute perfection.

Geeee iiiiiii joeeeeee! Welcome.

No, thats not rust, its the color of the fan housing material inside. Its an abradable strip that is used to protect the fan blades and hold a tight clearance as well.

Now playing

Yeah, maintenance and upkeep is no joke on the VC-25. Hopefully the time code works...otherwise 16 minutes in:

9mm is best mm.

If its a “Glock 7” its undetectable. Ceramic bro. Die hard 2 said it existed.

Saudi pilots wanting their own Bentley be like:

I honestly did not see that coming. Good luck VAG.

edit: damnit kinja.

How Porsche Got Their Groove Back

Even if the USMC or Army wanted the A-10 (which they dont)... the underlying fact is that the airframes are now getting very old. Maintenance is becoming a nightmare and prices keep going up ... and its not just the A-10 either. The F-15 and F-16 are old and running up usable airframe hours too. B1-B included.

I hereby take it upon myself to show her a better way... a way that doesn’t involve peeing on the street and driving drunk.

I’m addicted to the stock exhaust note of my G35. Its the reason I bought one (again).

Dat ass tho...

Geebus, that's a purdy jet! Also, that's probably the cleanest CF-18 I've ever seen... considering the age of Canada's fleet and their usage.

Then you remember... Lambro too...

That interior has blips of Audi/BMW/Mercedes language all over. Not that its a bad thing either I guess... if familiarity can bring in buyers?

I'd imagine Eglin had a lot more flights (per day) on average too. Makes sense.

I had the pleasure of listening to these boys fly almost everyday when I lived and worked near the Jacksonville Intl Airport. Their departure path was right over the house and you could hear them coming from a mile away.