
Yup- that was the only time it’s been weird, and not even an issue. I just answered what was asked, putting my maiden name and last name as the same. They can change the form if/when it becomes an issue for identifying babies. We’ll probably all have retinal scans by then though ;)

And I’ll say the same- It is cool!

I don’t know. Why are you a bigot?

It rarely comes up. People sometimes connect the dots on their own, like if they knew me first and then meet him and find out his last name (obviously). There was a panicked phone call after we had our baby that someone thought I had filled out paperwork wrong. Otherwise, I can’t think of anyone making that

No. He just presented the marriage certificate like a woman would at the dmv and ss office. It’s a pain no matter who does it, but would have been much more of a pain for me, with more accounts, degrees, publications, etc.

We got married last year and my husband took my last name. It’s so freaking awesome. We can weed out a lot of closeted bigots by their reaction, and gain quick friends who think it is awesome too. Such a simple act that speaks volumes about what we value.

actually like the quote, just want to know where it came from...?

thank you!

source please?

I found an ex’s kiddie porn stash thanks to iCloud. Definitely kept lives from being ruined.

this crease confuses me

Me too, and it taught me that it’s important to stay in touch with those friends of yours, even if you can’t stand to be around their significant other. Now I have a friend whose husband I really really don’t like and I make sure to keep up with her every now and then to check in on her wellbeing. Just in case she

“Stay in your lane”= perfect!!

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I’m happily married to a hair-loving man and my friends and family love me for who I am- don’t care about the aesthetics. I just don’t want to gross people out, like in the general public. So I usually keep covered, or if I do wear sleeveless, am a little self-conscious about it. I’m

Alright- so you’re in my camp. Cool. But then I pose this- how is the general public going to get more cool about it if we keep it hidden all the time? That’s where I feel like a lame-o. It’s weird that it’s not that big of a deal to me and is such a big deal to others. I cave.

I guess because I’m a human who would like to have a positive impact on other humans. I remember that gross kid in my kindergarten class who would pick his boogers and stick them under the chair and everyone hated to get his seat when we had to rotate. I don’t want to be that person. And I think armpit hair on women

I read somewhere that shaving pits became fashionable because of a marketing campaign pushed by razor companies ()double your customers!!) Ladies-get this sleek look ;)) at the same time that sleeveless fashions became the rage for women. They went hand-in-hand. So it makes sense that it you’re shunning one of them to

Uh ok. I’m lying about what my experience is...?

Well yeah. I used to just do it in the winter, but this year I never stopped when it became warm out. I have tattoos on upper arms so I keep covered at work anyway, but outside work, I realized I’m not as cool with it as I’d like to be. I legit don’t want people to think I’m gross. Leg hair’s not even that big of a

But shaving hurts my skin and makes me stink.