
I think that being a mom and being a dad are very different. If you want to be a mom, having a dad around isn’t going to make or break that feeling. Being a mom is unlike being a dad, and while you can share the experience of enjoying your children with that other person, it’s never been THAT great of a comfort to me

Fucking mental healthcare in this country is fucked. Sorry. Internet hugs.

I shouldn’t have said “Yes.” It’s not just affluence. There are ways around it. If one of your parents could provide childcare while you work, cha-ching! If you can work for home, or if your job is flexible enough to allow a child there (I’m thinking of at-home daycare provider). It’s just the balancing working and

I would say “Yes.” An alternative, maybe in an alternate universe, would be to get together with other single mom friends and pull resources, commune-style. I daydreamed about this when I was struggling on my own for a little while, but my own family stepped in to help with the time and money expenses when I came up

Well I can think of a simple solution: Only elect female congressmen from now on.

He was so hot. And now he is so creepy. This worries me. Will my super hot husband one day become creepy like this? It seems to happen to so many of them :(

Wow. I always wondered if I’d run across someone I know on these message boards. I know your husband from school- I was his friend who had a kid while we attended. Awesome you got married! Congratulations!! Give him a big hug from me!

But look at your headpiece! Gorgeous!!!

I feel you on this. I just upped my weekly avocado intake from one to two per shopping trip, weekly. Life is grand.

I’ll join this thread because mine is a personal shopper. I hate buying things. So I’d buy one thing to buy all the things for the rest of my life. And I’d revel in my free time and having someone bring home to me whatever I want/need at the time.

I’m not going to tell you anything to scare you out of it. I’m obviously not scared out of it, proof in that I’m doing it again. I think it’s important for you to be in good shape when you get pregnant, and the younger I was the easier it was, probably because I was in better shape. Ten years of a desk job has taken

Guilty as shit.

Well that is good to hear! I’m glad she made it through, and it’s reassuring to imagine light at the end of the tunnel. Still a few months to go, sigh. Remind your child to give momma extra hugs and kisses tonight :)


Right? Not a huge deal, but I like(d) not wearing underwear sometimes. “How I Got my Body Back” articles never talk about all the real shit.

I have never had pregnancy HURT like this before. Like from my thighs to my belly button, pain whenever I stand/walk/roll over/pivot. It feels like I was all-day-fucked yesterday, but everyday all day and none of the fun times to remember. My vagina and whole pubic area really fucking hurts, like I want to/need to

Preach. I’m pregnant with my fourth child (yes, I’m crazy) and I keep going into my doctor with new problems and she’s like “Well yeah. That’ll happen.” Dude. I have read much and experienced much and I still don’t know shit. Tell people these things!

WTF? You can’t lock a patient into a room?!! That’s totally illegal.

It’s to establish the buddy-buddy relationship with the provider; simple “compliment” I think.