
I have so many thoughts about these centers. They seem to be a backlash or maybe an evolution of the women’s crisis centers of old where young unwed pregnant women were sent by their families to hide away, then have abortions or have the babies who were then taken from them against their will. This is at least better

Can we get a gender reversal on the old guy wet dream movie already?

Fairuza Balk is the most badass name.

Could be, but the invitation shouldn’t be accepted just for free food, right? And maybe the dinner guest could add a little excitement himself, since we all see each other every day. That’s the feeling it gives me- like dude, are you really going to sit here and eat up the food I made while chatting with your friends

Curious- is it an unspoken rule? If not, how did it come about?

I respect your advice because you said “dollars to donuts.” That’s solid :)

Haha! That is pretty funny to imagine considering the relationship- we’re more on an even level than at an elder/younger point. I’m afraid that any action I take is even ruder than the original act, unless it is very politely phrased or preemptive.

We’ve actually done that, without premeditation. Just naturally dumbfounded that someone would sit as a guest at the table and text away. Many jaws around the table dropped, to which the fellow said “Oh- Sorry.” But it still happens at every visit.

Well, yeah, thanks for restating my quandary in clearer terms. Is it a dick move to even make that request?

Dear Abbie,

I hear you, and I wish you the best.

I don’t know the woman. Your wife knows her, and I respect that you are letting them work out their own thing together, which is such a struggle to stand by and watch. You obviously love your wife very much, and it’s hard to see someone you love be mistreated by someone you don’t and they do (also been there). I was

Or could they rule that Satanism does not meet the legal definition of a religion? That battle has probably already been fought. Anyone know?

I’m afraid they will lose the court’s favor at the first line: “Plaintiff is an adult and competent woman residing in Missouri.” No such thing exists- that’s why these laws are on the books, right?

Wow. That sounds pretty harsh of you. Her son doesn’t speak to her and she wants your advice, as someone who knows both of them, and so you shut off all contact...? Hmm....

How about reconciling the 8-hr (commute~10hrs) workday with the 6- hour (local) school day for starters....

I don’t know quite how to say this, but honestly, there were times in my life when keeping the kids clothed, fed, medicated, housed was an improbable task that I accomplished on my own and I’m damn proud of doing that and not much else. It took 100% of what I had. There was nothing left for gold star parenting. I

Am I the only one picturing Mrs. Cleaver? It makes me cry leaving my kids to go work everyday, especially when it makes them cry and beg me to volunteer in their classroom. My eldest is already acting like I’m a failure for not BEING THERE- kid spews some serious hate my way. But dude, we gotta have a house and food.

The biology nerd in me thinks this is so cool!
