
Could we (as a society) create some vehicle for legal future consent? Like an advance directive, but like “Hey caretakers, don’t get in the way of my sex life with my husband” at some later date, with bounds for what is reasonable?

Give me hash. Sandwiches are for lunch.

God I wish she would run.

I know. But I will love him all the more fiercely in his stupidity, arrogance, naivety, impulsiveness, angst, passion, assuredness, and bumbling ALIVENESS. Teenagers are the best and worst of humanity, IMO.

In just a few short years, I’m going to love my teen the most I have ever loved him and he will hate me and that will just make me love him more and I will have my heart broken in the most beautiful way like when I was a teen myself.

Knowing or not knowing about the past experiences with father would be awful. Just that it happened is enough to break the relationship, IMO.

...And then? Were there instances when it actually materialized into a problem, or did you feel betrayed at not having known (I realize this a problem too)?

What a mess! Honesty is the best policy, but there is no way this marriage is going to work out. Nevermind the sexual orientation bit. How could you be any of these four people (mom, dad/cheater, son-in-law/ex-hookup, daughter) be together in a normal way at any kind of a family gathering or anything?

Why do you think that men are convinced it’s “not their role” as you say?

How far astray are we that being decent to moms is headline-worthy?

Nah. Hippos. Ugly, stinky, killers.

You might be headed for a nervous breakdown if that is truly you’re MO.

So glad I’m married. I asked my husband to marry me. I’m not “chill” when it comes to telling people I like them and want to spend time with them, or whatever- what is this game? But I’m pretty fucking chill because most things are not worth getting fired up about.

Chill? Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Oh my gosh. This is beautiful. Your story is like my story, but more heartbreaking maybe. I remember having a little breakdown at my ob/gyn's office and she gave me a hug and it was the first time I had been hugged in so long I just stayed on her shoulder sobbing a little while.

Awww. I feel you on this one. The separateness while together was a slow torture over many years. I hope you find fulfillment in yourself or a happier relationship if you haven't already.

Never thought of grilled cheese as sexy. However, in my experience hummus, icecream, avocadoes and any type of non-solid chocolate are directly correlated with a high libido.

My husband and I thought of doing this, but it would have been Hitler.

How are things coming with that pill for men? Sounds like no trade off for me :)

Ha! So funny. I got knocked up with another baby to avoid the “mess” of camping with baby’s father.