@Celtic1888: Nuff said.
@Celtic1888: Nuff said.
At some point, the energy that came from the Big Bang will disperse to the point that everything simply dies out. Won't that completely ruin this theory?
Play these together at the same time.
@Hitchcock: I'm seeing it all now! I'M SEEING IT!!
@nutbastard: No.. Not in the first place.. Trying to regain balance on a broken leg and enduring a headache like a thousand jackhammers was a little distracting. After re-reading this article, I guess it was pretty effin' funny!
@natanku: I guess when I got run over by a car a few years back, I didn't get the joke.
A 'hilarious' pile-up? The victims must've had a great time.
@spectralveil: Nintendo keeps it cheap, releases a Mario/Zelda/Donkey Kong/Pokemon game for it and everyone will buy it and say its great. Standard Nintendo formula. It works splendidly.
@OMEGAMAN: You say that, but sources DO explain it differently:
Honestly, I would've expected there to be a little bit more organic material inside. I always thought Robocop was built from the brain, face and some salvaged organs from Murphy's body.
@abadpun: I meant to say that they might want it, but do they want to devote any amount of recources to the kinect peripheral? The risks are great and comparing it to classic pad control games they might find it limited. In that sense, Sony's Move is a lot better, albeit for all the wrong reasons, being that it seems…
Wouldn't be suprised if all they're going to do with it is send it into space to be the first 4G phone outthere.
It's good that they're trying to push out hardcore games, but I'd be suprised if they won't suck. It's going to take truely awesome use of the kinect to get them to work. I wonder if any dev is up for that.
@Arken: Haha.. Oh yes.. He was probably pretty serious about that statement.
@Arken: Aah.. That makes sense.. Using it like that just made me call my dad so he can buy my one year old ipod. I always promise myself to stick with my pods for longer than a year.. Oh well.
How exactly did he attach the Nano to his handlebar?
49.000 isn't a whole lot.. Reach out a little and you can tuoch it?
Yeaaah.. Sound in space.