
There are many reasons not to encrypt, too. The items I list below do not apply uniformly to Android, Win, OSX, and iOS but there are bullet points below that apply to each.


So basically what you are saying is that Sam Querrey is going to win the US Open.

I don’t: his insane tweeting is one of the things keeping his approval rating so low.

Apple Cider Vinegar does not cure cancer. Got it.

This is a Klan rally? I thought it was a bake sale!

Haven’t we all found ourselves suddenly caught up in the middle of a bunch of Nazis shouting bullshit until we’re red in the face, only to later ask ourselves, Wow! That was weird! Sooooo not like me at all. How’d that happen?

“You are literally the person in the photo.”

Bannon’s getting exactly what he wants.

Cvjetanovic said:

This has nothing to do with free speech. These assholes don’t have a right to a job at a company that doesn’t want to employee them because they’re now a liability. The right to employment is not enshrined in the constitution. They weren’t maced, tear gassed, or shot with rubber bullets at their protest. The

Seriously. It’s not like Daily Stormer has ever been unclear what they were about.

Yeah, that’s a good question.

Well the people outing them are just practicing their free speech rights too.

So GoDaddy was totally cool with DailyStormer up until now?

He hasn’t caught shit from fans for at least 7-8 years. I forgave him about a decade ago, but recently have begun hating him again for being so self-righteous about his privacy, while still giving statements through his lawyer. He’s like an “anonymous” donor.

Inspired by the gesture, a Cubs fan sent Chris Christie a double order of nachos.

And the hypocritical Evangelicals love him.

Hitting on women? He follows (or he did up ‘til Friday evening) a gay porn performer named Blake Mitchell on Twitter, make of that what you will.

ETA: But you didn’t hear any of this from me. *Sips tea like Tea Lizard*