
There is a difference between satire and deliberate vote interference.

A jerk who let a bigger dumber asshole write a shit flecked diatribe against people who wanted to not be killed while being black turns out to be a petty, vindictive little asshole who apparently enjoys drunken spite and rage fuelled assholery towards the opposite sex?

Is it surprising that this is the network that launched the racist, mafia-loving Trump to national fame, even when NYC knew him as a scumbag con-man?

The worst part about this is all of the lying. Wait, nevermind, it’s the raping and assaulting.

Really? Defending a dude whose been accused of rape and sexual assault? I mean I understand people find themselves in the wrong place at wrong time thing but i wouldn't bet on both previous accusations as being a coincidence. The average Joe may find himself in the wrong place at wrong time but he definitely doesnt

So a guy who gets accused of rape and sexual assault multiple times and hangs out with other rapists doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt? I mean clearly this guy just happens to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong people a lot. It could happen to anyone!  

You know, Based upon the evidence, I’m starting to think this guy might just be an asshole.

He is fitting right in at Fox.

People like that are great aren’t they? If the person that they’re talking shit about isn’t there, watch them rip the fuck into them.

Love the way that Cowherd immediately backs down the second Mayfield asks him if he’s calling him selfish and not a team guy. What a turd.

Man, right? Less like an interview and more like you’re being judged for your sins.

I like the way he completely calls out Cowherd. Instead of playing his game he just jumps right to the end with “I feel like you are going for the fact that I am not a team guy.” Then Cowherd denies it when that is obviously what he is going for. Guys like Cowherd are too gutless to ever just come out and say anything

If the repair is $700-800 then the settlement should reflect that.

$5k and a keyboard that can’t make it a year? That’s some shitty design work.

Don’t buy Apple period.

Simple solution to problem: don’t buy Apple laptops. You’ll save $$$ too...

OMG, I have this EXACT problem! I have a fully loaded Macbook Pro 15...fully loaded means it was $5,000 when I purchased it! Anyhow, I’ve had it a little bit over a year when the keyboard problems began... for example, when I type “apple” it’ll be “aaaaaapplllle.” I took this to the genius bar 2 weeks ago in Pasadena

“Mr.Huang was well aware that Autopilot was ...not reliable in that exact location.”

The “20ft” you are using is hogwash. You can see the woman’s shoes in the video quite clearly just as the time turns 5 seconds, she is hit sometime after 6 seconds. 1 second at 45 mph is 66 feet. This woman was visible in the crummy color night camera 66 feet in front of the car and it still hit her. Just for funsies