
Bad idea. Accurate reality sound aids drivers. If I want to add sound it will be music.

It might be hard to believe but in the USA it is legal, while on a toilet, to lift your legs into a squatting position without buying anything. I’ve done it before and Trump sent no goons to arrest me.

It might be hard to believe but in the USA it is legal, while on a toilet, to lift your legs into a squatting

The manufacturers will try to make it happen and some people will be killed by variables not accounted for and by sensor or computer bugs. Who will by liable?

Every way you look at it, McElwain loses. Either false threat or failure to inform and protect. What a potentially expensive mistake. I predict a negotiated buy out for a discount.

Letterman is so great. Dave knows how to interview but Colbert hasn’t a clue.

In the 1970s Car & Driver magazine conducted an experiment designed to quantify the affect of marijuana on race car driver performance. A large group of drivers were tested before and after smoking. The result proved that marijuana neither improved nor degraded lap times.

In order to make up with his family he should unfuck his mistress.

You can become a cop in some jurisdictions with a junior high school education. High school grads are overqualified.

Tesla owners are going to die by the score watching video screens instead of traffic. I will drive defensively to avoid those drivers.

You are posting government nonsense. The Santa Marta Gold distributed in 1975 was better than any of the many Colorado and Oregon strains that I’ve smoked recently. I do admit that the average quality is better now but the most potent Colombian sativa was better than today’s average dispensary product.

Many ISPs have data caps so streaming everything isn’t an option. I like Windows Media Center DVR with an HD Homerun offering three cable TV tuners distributing content through the router to all connected devices.

Rush has other homes to go to and he has an airplane that can quickly get him out of harm’s way. Of course he isn’t concerned.

In the 1970s Car & Driver magazine conducted an experiment to quantify how race car driver lap times were affected marijuana use. Guess what? There was no significant difference regardless of whether the driver was stoned or straight.

To see which files are taking a lot of drive space I recommend using the free utility, WinDirStat.

I blame everybody who votes for anybody. Democracy in the USA has become a two party scam to defraud and to profit from a forced monopoly on illegal drugs. No more wars. No more drug wars. Jail colluding banksters and their accountants and lawyers.

The best opinions about autonomous cars are likely provided by the people who know the most about driving and not the computer geeks. I think driving, and driver, variables are too complex for autonomous tech. If my vehicle doesn’t move exactly how and where I want it to at a given time I am not onboard.

Tweeners are easier for women for obvious reasons. No danger of severe pain.

Which slit?

Right now being a citizen of the USA is as frightening as being a member of Jim Jones’ The Peoples Temple. Trump’s end could result in massive loss of life. The man is insane.

I don’t know. The way he comes off reeks of desperation. These guys like to overvalue assets and hide liabilities. Press reports of wealth often miss the mark widely.