It gets even better! From the Guardian:
It gets even better! From the Guardian:
We also need to get rid of bottled water, period. It is a crime from a moral, environmental, economic and sociopolitical point of view.
Wow. If voodoo economics can’t work in Louisiana...
Texas sucks.
Almost exactly a year to the day after Patriots equipment personnel “likely” intentionally deflated footballs to make them easier for Tom Brady to grip
“Harris, I want you to get out there and suck the shit out of 87’s dick. He’ll never have a chance to get off the line!”
I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that the people who make a documentary (which is not exactly the same as journalism as documentaries often have bias) are being held to a higher standard than the prosecutor and police had.
Shining a nationwide light on corrupt law enforcement, judges, and prosecutors is the most important takeaway.
Smoke Heated, Pig Simmers As Chili Bowl Turns Spicy
This is going to be such a glorious shitshow.
This so much. Why do you need so many screens. Touch screens are terrible for accessing things if you can’t look at them (which would be when you’re driving....). Having to use a touch screen vs pushing a physcial button or turn a physical knob is far easier to do without having to take your eyes off the road. You…
Wow, that concept is everything that’s wrong with cars today.
No, Audi. I do not want this.
And, hey, if they’re in a mood that day, they can always just use your nervousness about the possibility of them killing you for no reason as a fucking excuse to get away with killing you.
This is why I hesitate to call the police for anything. And why I was shaking uncontrollably when I was pulled over for speeding (the lovely cop was also fiddling with his gun the entire time). I live in constant fear that every interaction I have with a cop will be my last.
So that explains the strangely strained expression on her face in all her photos with him.
They’d just cut holes in the floor and crawl out.
They are so so stupid in that city’s leadership. As if the guy who got this story to go national would be turned down and just...go away quietly! Lol. They deserve all the hell they get over the next...year or so thanks to this guy and those witnesses who were not afraid to tell their stories to him, after being…
You guys are really in a führer over this.
If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.