Punch Drunk Love is great. I honestly think Magnolia might be the only movie of his that I dislike.
Punch Drunk Love is great. I honestly think Magnolia might be the only movie of his that I dislike.
I get that, I like her in anything. I do think some of the actual performances in Magnolia are quite good, I just do not think the movie as a whole is my thing, whatsoever.
I saw Magnolia in the theater as a teenager and thought it was awful, pretentious crap. I actually got up and left and walked around the lobby and came back and it felt like it was a million hours long. I revisited it as an adult and still didn’t care for it at all. I think it’s the weakest PT Anderson movie and never…
As someone with a huge mane of giant dark curly hair, watching this when I was younger made me appreciate it more than I did. Embrace the giant hair!
I love this movie so much, I watch it maybe once a month. There are so many hilarious lines.
Tarantino is a hack. I’ve gotten into long arguments with people about it before but yeah, I think he’s a hack who relies on his audience not knowing the obscure (or not) source material that he lifts a lot of stuff from for his films. Should have quit after Jackie Brown.
“IsN’t a LeFtIsT’S dReAm”
Every time this woman spoke I was like “what’s going on? What is happening?” What about when she kept talking about putting men on the moon? She was a hoot.
Yes. I’m from South Bend (I actually went to high school with Pete) and it’s not really “small town”. I know everyone just assumes that Indiana is all corn fields and dirt roads, but SB is 90 miles from Chicago and one of the only places in the state that votes blue. It’s not some quaint little place where everything…
Yes, thank you. I’m surprised more people didn’t pick up on this.
I liked this season as well. No major complaints; I think it could have been even better if they had just done 10 episodes like usual, but ultimately I’m satisfied. I honestly do not understand a lot of the criticism I’ve been reading and most of the “it would have been better if...” suggestions I’ve been seeing are…
I’m going to miss this show and these characters so much. That finale was perfect. I’m so glad that they managed to get a trash juice reference in this season too.
I’ve been seeing lots of it in my left leaning Facebook groups, because they refuse to actually “side with the cops” since ACAB, etc etc. Someone yesterday kept going on about “where’s the proof he lied? I already know cops are liars”. It was frustrating to say the least.
I don’t know, I feel like I’m the only one who didn’t like the comment she made about how “some people are more concerned with being factually correct than morally right”. Excuse me, but yeah, I’m absolutely concerned with the truth and being factually correct. I’d also go so far as to say that not using facts is NOT…
I immediately thought of this movie as well.
I too thought the cop bar sketch was terrible.
Am I the only one who doesn’t care for the Heidi Gardner impressions/characters when they’re on WU? I think she’s really funny, I just feel like they always go on way too long. I don’t know.
Actually, they don’t believe that polio has been eradicated, they think it’s been “re-classified” as Lyme disease and guillain barre syndrome. They also think that the reason we don’t see stuff like smallpox anymore is strictly because of good hygiene and clean water, not vaccines. As far as measles, I’ve had people…
I’m so sorry to hear about your injury, that really sucks. And I totally agree with you, these people need to just stay away if they don’t want to abide by our social contract. Vaccine injuries are absolutely a real thing, but so much more rare than these people think, plus all the shit they think is a “vaccine…
Yeah, they think everything from a child throwing a tantrum to just wanting to watch tv for hours is a “vaccine injury”, and if it’s not that, they all think they have a genetic mutation (the MTHFR gene) and will go on and on about how the whole family has it and how they need to “detox” with essential oils, enemas,…