Whitey Fisk

Absolutely, this shit is rampant in Australia. They also have a big problem with “black salve” over there, a caustic chemical substance that kooks put on moles and tumors and run of the mill pimples because they think it sucks cancer out of the body, but really all it does is burn huge holes in your skin. A woman in

It’s interesting when anti vaxxers have a kid who ends up on the spectrum, because they’ll just blame it on a nurse or family member vaccinating them in secret. Because that’s totally a thing that happens. They absolutely think nurses walk around with a bunch of syringes full of vaccines on them at all times to just

vAcCiNe dAmaGeD ChILdREn!

I’m a member of a bunch of pro-vaccine/anti-woo groups on Facebook and this shit has been making the rounds in all of them since it happened. Free Birth Society is a frequent offender in the “look at what this dumb asshole just posted” category, but honestly I see so much mindblowingly dangerous and ignorant bullshit

As someone in Indiana, I feel your pain. I am so disgusted. Fuck this place. 

Deranged is the perfect way to describe the early Conan eps. I used to laugh my ass off staying up late in high school watching these, going through the comments is reminding me of so many good ones. 

Now playing

This was my favorite clip ever back when I’d stay up late to watch Conan in high school, and it still kills me:

I’ve been trying to find clips of this for YEARS. He also had an actual items segment that included “Peter Pan Peanut Butter with Chiggers” that I’ve never been able to find but used to think was hilarious. 

100%. I’m eager to see more research. I follow several pro vaccine/pro science/anti woo pages and groups on Facebook and I see something that blows my mind every single day. The things people do to themselves and their kids to try to justify not taking them to the doctor is fucking bonkers. “My kid has a fever of 106,

Yes, this shit right here is exactly what I’m talking about. I see lists like this pushed in so many woo-centric Facebook groups and websites that are anti “Big Pharma” but also want to charge hundreds of dollars for “supplements”. It’s so dangerous. And it’s never advertised on these sites that it simply alleviates

I saw High Fidelity in the theater when it came out because I had enjoyed the book, and I remember specifically mentioning that I couldn’t believe that scene wasn’t in there and that maybe it’d be a deleted scene in the dvd release. Flipping through that dude’s box of records and seeing all those gems, it was great. 

I totally believe that it works for stuff like that. I smoke weed to help with pain relief and for nausea/my appetite and it works like a charm. I was referring more to the people who claim that it will actually cure the cancer itself, which is completely unproven, but I see stuff like that all the time in the

This will be an unpopular opinion, but I feel like the CBD stuff is approaching “woo levels” as far as the claims that people make about it (not this video specifically, but just in general). People claim it cures everything, from cancer to epilepsy and skin conditions and auto immune disorders to parasites and

When I was a kid I read this book called “The Dollhouse Murders,” where the dolls in the replica of this house come to life at night and re-enact their murders (that had happened in real life). Movies and books have never really scared me, even as a little kid, but for some reason this book scared the shit out of me

I think I might have said that one, too. 

I’ll tell you what, I was watching this by myself last night and when the camera panned to show the tooth-floor I said “oh my sweet lord” out loud at the sight of it. What a reveal. 

Yes, I’m no fan of Lena Dunham but Hannah was a fictional character. I think they’re both insufferable but I always thought the point of Girls was to show that these people aren’t the well adjusted and brilliant geniuses they think they are. 

“Legendary pool hustler Minnesota Fats passed away Wednesday. You know now he’s probably up in Heaven racking them up for a game with St. Peter. Or, maybe he’s in Hell, where demons gnaw at his flesh and the agonies of the damned never cease. Either way, he’ll be missed.”

“You’re a fucking dog face. How could you not get that?”

I say this all the time about the lack of sleep, dude sleeps like three or four hours a night and has for his entire adult life, I bet there’s tons of waste just eating away at his brain.