Whitey Fisk

To go with the (well done) Trump steaks?

The people defending the statue were white supremacists and Nazis, so they were not good people. The end.

I was thinking Wu-Tang, but okay.

I'm from South Bend, Indiana originally, which is, believe it or not, a fairly liberal stronghold surrounded by a bunch of deep red areas - it was one of the few places in the state to go to Hillary in the election - and growing up, I didn't see a whole lot of them, but there's one thing about the Confederate flag


Christ, he is such a goddamn fucking asshole.

Genuine question - racist assholes keep screaming that we need to "tear down all the Malcolm X monuments" since we're getting rid of the Confederate monuments. I keep seeing this, over and over. Is there a large swath of Malcolm X monuments on public property in this country that I don't know about? Because I was

HAHAHA and the Bolsheviks too, right Mr. Duke? Get fucked.

Yes. I mean, not only is the one in Nashville horrifying because of WHO it depicts, but fucking Christ, the damn thing is HIDEOUS: http://www.wsmv.com/story/3…

Of all the racist monuments in this country, the Nathan Bedford Forrest statues are probably the ones that enrage me the most.

LOLOLOL at the irony of this sack of shit talking about the beauty of parks while he and his staff are actively working as hard as they can to overturn all of our environmental protections and hand our national parks over to corporations for drilling and mining.

You don't think the whole birther thing was racist? Because it was. He is a racist. Maybe not a Klan member, but a racist.

Yes. Ask a question, then when they answer, interrupt and talk over them going EXCUSE ME. EXCUSE ME.

I actually laughed out loud (more like a guffaw) when he was like "I DON'T KNOW, COMMIES?!" Like what year is this? I didn't know that people still actually talked like this until Castro died and I saw all these people here in Indiana screaming about "dead commies". Of course conservatives think Obama and every

I know this probably makes me like…not a great person, but I sincerely hope that photograph completely ruined this guy, Peter Cvjetanovic's, life. "I did not expect the photo to be shared as much as it was. I understand the photo has a very negative connotation. But I hope that the people sharing the photo are willing

I know exactly who you're talking about and yeah he's been having a rough past couple days trying to keep up his usual shtick of talking over everyone while yelling with fake outrage but at the same time still being a Trump supporter. No idea what his name is because he sucks and I can't be bothered to remember it.

There's a band here in Indianapolis called Gay Black Republican, not unlike some actual Republicans that are holding office, they have been around for YEARS and just don't know when to quit.

I liked the dark net before it was cool, now it's just for hipsters!

The "deep web" is the part of the internet that is not indexed by search engines. It makes up a large portion of the internet. But the "dark web" consists of websites on networks that you can't access with your standard browsers and configurations; you need special software like Tor to get to it. Since users'

And these groups will be some of the first to admit that this is their weakness, basically that they can't all get together and agree on who to hate. There's just so much to go around!