Whitey Fisk

So who were the people from the alt-right groups who were not white supremacists?

If you're larping as a Nazi at a Nazi rally you're a goddamn fucking Nazi, get the fuck out of here with this bullshit.

Yep. "Nationalism" is easier to pass off to the common idiot as just being "proud of your country", but obviously it's just been code for "Nazi" for years, for people who know better. Kind of along the same lines as when people like Bannon and Miller use the term "globalist" as a slur. We know exactly what that means.

I could see that being the singular thing he gains from watching this video. "Hey now…you think my daughter is hot? ME TOO! See, there are good people on both sides!!"

When David Duke was whining about Bolsheviks in this video I wanted to be like LOL, old man, these shitheads don't know what that even means, they just cling to these buzzwords and parrot them back to each other because it makes them seem "educated" in their hatred.

That's a hot take on this situation.

I've been doing the same, I kept being like "You mean Nazis?" last year when people would use that term. They always seemed like they thought I was being ridiculous and reactionary.

"Had a little rally the other night, shot up town in a fury
Luke's arrested, Pa's on trial, and the rest of us are on the jury.

The Venn Diagram of white supremacists/proud boys/nationalists/Nazis and MRAs is basically a fully overlapping circle, so women aren't as prevalent in their ranks. There's a few in these photos/videos, though. I have a feeling some of them may be suffering from "cool girl syndrome" with these bags of shit, which is

Yes, which explains why, if you're familiar with their comment sections, they are absolutely infested and swarming with some of the worst people in existence, 98% of them being MRAs and racists.

I was legit wondering last night if there's anywhere that kept track of all the downloads/streams of that movie this past weekend.

Oh yeah for sure, it made me wonder if they thought she was actually wearing a giant battery with the paddles attached or something.

They had a KKK rally there last month, they knew this was coming.

Sure, I'll bite, they have the right to their beliefs and peaceful assembly, but this was not a peaceful assembly. Showing up with body armor and weapons is not peaceful.

The judge is an American citizen. It was racist.

Prove that there isn't!

Remember the Death Row Records meme?


I'm pretty sure the entire birther debacle was extremely fucking racist.

She did always wear a bulletproof vest, that's why she was always wearing those sort-of-weird jackets and tunics that were kind of a shapeless A-line, to work with the vest. Of course all of the conspiracy people said it was because she was wearing a defibrillator.