Whitey Fisk

I said this upthread, but I went to high school with him, and he’s great - incredibly smart, kind, down to earth, no real baggage or skeletons to speak of. He needs to be in politics for a long time. The biggest complaints from people (and by that I mean Trump supporters) in our hometown where he’s mayor are “Yeah but

Yep, I’ve been saying this for years, since before this past election cycle.

I went to high school with him and he’s the mayor of my home town, he is a good dude. Super sweet, down to earth, incredibly smart, no real baggage to speak of (unless you count being gay, which I guess some people unfortunately would). He definitely needs to stay in politics.

Oh yeah that part sticks with me too.


I feel old, I saw that movie at least 3 times in the theater because I was obsessed with dinosaurs.

Sharia law? They keep telling me he was a Socialist! Or a Communist, whatever flavor they feel like that day.

Yeah but the real question is how many murders has Hillary Clinton covered up to make this happen?!

I actually know a lot of people like this. They were the same people wearing tshirts before the election that said "1968 DNC" and ranting about socialist and communist revolutions "for the people". They can all die in a fire, to be perfectly honest.


They feel awesome because they "voted their conscience". Fucking barf.

Don't worry everyone, some random dumbass in the comments section of every article ever told me that climate change is a myth - and they provided a helpful Youtube video for proof! Fuck those scientific "elites", what do they know?!

They were in Rome.

How could I forget such a grievous offense? LOCK HIM UP

"…before the electoral campain he was a guuy that everyone admired"

She's conventionally "hot", and white, so everything she does is automatically fine with them.

I'm glad someone else asked.


Yesterday I literally wondered out loud if he was a giant because he seemed to tower over everyone while walking in a crowd and today I found out he really is.

Used to see this band (The Sleaze) live when they were around a few years ago and they were always a blast because of the lead singer's helium vocals and on-stage posturing but this song is hilarious/awesome because it has a "solo" that's literally just one note, I always think of it when people talk about guitar