Whitey Fisk

I don’t think you understand, there’s going to be HSAs and tax credits! Those will be totally helpful when you don’t make enough money to save anything in an HSA and the tax credits are a fraction of a percent of your medical bill.

Exactly. Also, why are the people who think this using the polls as some kind of proof? Didn't these same polls have Hillary Clinton winning? What about all the people who lied and said they weren't voting for Trump, then went ahead and did it anyway, who skewed said polls? It's ridiculous nonsense. I would obviously

No shit man, I say this to Bernie people all the fucking time. Most of these Trump voters can't go one argument without referring to OBAMA as a socialist, what the hell kind of results would we have with someone who openly praises socialist (or "socialist") policies in other countries and who identifies as a


I enjoy telling people like this on local news facebook comment pages that if Jesus were real/here now, he would think they were a fucking asshole. They always clutch their pearls and then complain about the fact that I said "fucking asshole" because "I thought liberals were tolerant".

I said this on a previous article about these…I hesitate to call them people…but watching those videos genuinely made me feel kind of sick. I had the feeling watching them that it was something I shouldn't be seeing, like it came from the Bad Part of the internet.

"Balloon Boy"? Ah, those were the days.

Fuck this shit. I am so glad I didn’t pay for a subscription to the Times.

Roseanne is one of my all time favorite sitcoms, but yeah that entire last season is shit. I think I remember reading once that Barr had a completely different ending planned for the show, but was trying to keep it a secret, and someone ended up leaking what it was so she re-wrote it to what ultimately ended up being

I wouldn't expect anything more from a 70 year old man baby who eats steaks well done with ketchup, like a goddamn monster.

Actually, I don't think he can drive a stick…that Ferrari that sold was automatic transmission. My surprise level upon learning this was exactly 0, considering he eats well-done steaks with ketchup. Of course he'd drive an automatic transmission Ferrari.

You know I think that just might be it!

Same. I'm not even sure what it is but it bugs the shit out of me.

Basically emotional/physical abuse, forcing the kids to slap each other, etc. and when one of them gets upset the response is LEARN HOW TO TAKE A JOKE IT'S JUST A PRANK. Standard bullying/abusive behavior.

You ever see the episode of Maron where he can't figure out how to interact with his teenage niece until he brings up Youtube? His utter confusion and bewilderment at the videos she likes is pretty much my exact reaction to every Youtube "star" or weirdo popular channel.

I figured they were those hollow cardboard faux books they use in furniture store displays.

Honestly seeing those videos made me feel kind of sick.

This is sad but honestly my reaction as I was reading this was:

My boyfriend, who hates Trump, always acts like I’m crazy/overreacting when I start talking about Ivanka and how she’s just like her father, like does the whole sigh/eyeroll thing and then proceeds to argue with me about...I’m not even sure. How she’s not that bad? How she’s not really the one running shit? He defends