I was obsessed with Dan Stevens in the movie The Guest, he was so creepy and awesome.
I was obsessed with Dan Stevens in the movie The Guest, he was so creepy and awesome.
Zing! I’m totally going to steal that one for future use.
I’m from Indiana and I despise this smug fuck.
Laughing forever. Or crying. Whichever.
Yeah but she had the nerve to wear SLEEVELESS DRESSES. How fucking DARE she.
I said the same thing to someone (except my response was more along the lines of “So fucking what? That doesn’t make her smart”).
*This is like the only defense I ever hear people use with this woman.
Honestly, I miss the days when it was only nerds and students who used the internet, and it was almost like...an escape. Now every dim witted asshole has a smart phone and a facebook and a big mouth and some dumbass thing to say on every single post ever.
How does he still have supporters? Seriously, how? I mean, I know the answer. But still.
My boyfriend and I watched the pilot last weekend and were super into it. The self-aware campiness is great in a trashy way. We were ready for some shows that aren’t super serious “art” or whatever. We also watched like five episodes of the Magicians.
You’re not alone; I google them all the time for memes and gifs and I always have to look really hard to see which one is which. It’s pretty uncanny.
And again I say, like I do every time I see a post about Johnny Depp - Jesus, I am so fucking sick of this greasy “Bohemiam” fuck. Fade away, please.
Damn, good call on that one. Somehow that slipped my mind.
I will never forget this moment. “What Superbowl commercial?”