Whitey Fisk

I HATE the “if Bernie had been the nominee he would have won” nonsense. Really? Are we going by polls and projections? The same polls where pretty much every single one showed Hillary winning handily over Trump? Like Trump wouldn’t have made fun of him and called him a godless atheist/crazy Jew/Communist? Please.


Whenever I read an article about this fuck I always read the comments, and without fail they’re always full of a bunch of Filipinos praising this guy because “You guys just don’t understand how bad drug use is here. He’s trying to clean up this country.” Oh, okay.

Looks like he has a giant coke booger in his right nostril.

“Red” is also my favorite flavor of popsicle/Starburst/Jolly Rancher/any artificially flavored and/or colored candy.

What exactly does coral and sea salt smell like? Actually I can totally imagine exactly what this candle smells like if I think about it hard enough.


Jesus Christ I despise this smug fuck. What a bag of shit.

I know someone who had no idea that the President nominated Supreme Court justices. He just had a blank look on his face. I don’t know if he thought they filled out a job application like it’s Burger King or what.

They don’t care. “Maybe if she hadn’t wanted that baby to die in jail then she shouldn’t have gotten herself arrested” is pretty much the common response when something like this happens.

Oh, I remember Dan Quayle all too well, because we always had to hear about how this buffoon is from my home state. Dude is the definition of a bumbler.

Sorry for this rant, but my God, I am SO SICK of people treating the rust belt/Midwest like it’s THE BACKBONE OF AMERICA and more important than people in liberal and/or big cities. This is 2016, not 1950. These people spent decades voting for policies and candidates who defunded education and sent jobs overseas, and

I know right? I don’t live in Chicago but I grew up in South Bend, IN about an hour and a half away so I’m familiar with the city. When I saw where this happened I was like

It was Chicago. Lakeview, I think.

“...It’s chilly out here.”

I go back and forth on this but I think it might be Logan too, since we found out last night that the MiB is on the board of directors and knows all the higher ups.

Maeve is my favorite! I liked her sass immediately and she just keeps getting better.

What about the ones who can tell you where you can finally download new movies to watch? They’re so helpful.

This episode blew my mind. Right out of the gate it was incredible and didn’t let up the entire time.

I’m still so mad about Abraham. He was one of my favorites.

I’m bored of Negan already.