Whitey Fisk

They never address her name, she’s just credited as Fleabag. Also the guy with the teeth that she meets on the bus is “Bus Rodent” or something along those lines.

Fucking great show. So good. I want more episodes. I laughed so hard one minute and cried the next.

It’s from all of her brain damage/seizures/Parkinson’s/Alzheimer’s/the fact that she’s a Reptilian. Or at least that’s what I learned reading Bernie Bro/Trump facebook pages.

I was just coming here to post this exact thing.

You forgot “Benghazi”.

I saw some loon ranting earlier today in a comment on a facebook post about how her ears look completely different, with different shots of her left ear to somehow show...I’m not even sure what, that she’s a Reptilian? A body double? Anyway, the pictures of the ears looked EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME.

“Is everything okay? Have you been crying?”

“You look tired today” is what I get with no foundation and/or mascara. Or, “are you sick?!”

Now playing

I agree about Jeff Ross, he’s one of my favorites and he does seem like a sweet guy even with all the super mean jokes. He always ends his roasts with a compliment about how much he loves the person he’s roasting. He definitely seems like he just wants everyone to have fun and to enjoy themselves.

I’m someone who always defends these roasts and all the mean jokes because well...sorry, but it’s a roast and it’s always been like this, even when it was still the Friar’s Club. And yeah a lot/most of them can be tasteless and offensive. But unless there’s someone I can’t remember doing this, I don’t think anyone

Yeah that one was pretty bad too, as I was watching Ann Coulter I actually called gleefully to my boyfriend in the other room “this is worse than the Situation at the Trump roast!!” If I remember correctly Jeff Ross of all people had to tell everyone to ease up because it was so painful?

Norm’s set is one of my all time favorites and I come back and re-watch it frequently, it’s so damn funny. You’re right, he did have a poor audience reception but the vibe was definitely more bewildered than disgusted like with Coulter. “You’re fuckin dog faced. How could you not get that?”

I’ve watched a LOT of these roasts, and I don’t remember an audience reaction quite like the one for Ann Coulter at any of the others, ever. Just absolute dead silence, multiple times. The joke about the “single spade?” I was dumbfounded. Jeff Ross kept turning around and talking to her during the show, probably to

I saw this movie yesterday and the entire scene left me speechless. I actually covered my mouth with my hand in shock.

I have no idea who a single one of these people are, like not even a little bit.

I agree with this whole comment. It is an UNCOMFORTABLE quiet. Like the person might even be holding their breath the entire time as well.

Once I walked into the restroom at my work and there was a woman from the sales department standing at the sink, on the phone with a client, with about six thousand pieces of paper and folders spread out all over the sink, trying to make a sale. I couldn’t believe it. She gave me a dirty look when I washed my hands

This is my workplace exactly. I’ve even sat in multiple buildings on our campus and it’s the same everywhere. Just ABSOLUTE DEAD MOTIONLESS SILENCE, so then I feel like I’m making a ton of noise and it’s so awkward. I always want to be like “GO AHEAD AND FINISH POOPING, IT’S FINE, IT’S A BATHROOM. I KNOW THERE’S

Took this from a Bernie or Buster/Stein supporter on facebook so I’ve been trying to spread it around. So compelling.

OMG I’m using this from now on.