Whitey Fisk

Nah. Its from a Bernie or Buster, someone associated with this guy. But they might as well be the Tea Party, because it seems like a lot of conspiracy theory nonsense and conservative talking points like Benghazi and “the Clinton hit list”.

Oooof, the right wingers have been saying this shit for ages, and now the Bernie or Bust Jill Stein supporters have picked up on it and are running with it as well, just like every single other right-wing talking point conspiracy theory from the past 10 years, trying to seem like they know what’s really going on. It

I got in an outdoor elevator once in Savannah that takes you down closer to the river (near River Street, duh), where I was visiting relatives, and saw that there were “Palmetto bugs” all over the fucking walls inside. I didn’t move an inch until the doors opened because if they had started flying around in there I

I’m laughing at this so much.

Whatever, my mom used to give my brother and I one of those cans of pudding and also a can of fruit usually, and sometimes you’d go to pull the top off and the pull tab would just snap right off and your delicious fruit/pudding was trapped inside. It was tragic.

Doesn’t it kind of look like he’s wearing someone else’s face over his own in that video?

I never said how I felt about the TPP whatsoever. I only said that I’m pretty sure most people who are mad about it don’t know what it is.

The only people I know who use the term “Big Pharma” are conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers; I know several of each. Honestly, if she had said “the pharmaceutical industry/lobby,” I wouldn’t have thought as much about it, but the use of that phrase rang some internal alarms when I saw it. I think she deliberately

Until she comes out and says “Vaccines are 100% necessary, period,” her answer is bullshit.

Any answer from her (someone who is always going on about how they’re a practicing physician) on the safety of vaccines other than “They are 100% absolutely necessary” is irresponsible. If anything, she’s sympathetic to the anti-vaxx cause (“So the foxes are guarding the chicken coop as usual in the US. So who

Fair enough. But when someone who’s a doctor uses that phrase in combination with a vague statement about homeopathy, alarms go off in my head because it seems like she’s one step away from being like “Don’t trust anything that has to do with medicine because the government is involved”, even if she might not

This...is still upsetting to me. I mean, the man thought the pyramids were built to store grain?! I always wondered if he accidentally lobotomized himself at some point and that’s why he always seemed half asleep.

100%. She’s all over the place, she has no experience at all. I chewed someone out the other day who told me they were voting for Gary Johnson because he’s “Just like Bernie.” I was like “Really? Can you point out to me where Bernie said he would like to see Roe v Wade overturned like Johnson has?” Willfully ignorant

Super fucking obviously desperate. Like “Hey guys! Hey! Here I am! Don’t forget about me! I have no experience and no plans to enact any of my ideas but pay attention to me! Did I mention I’ve been arrested before?! I’m cool, I promise!! Revolution!”

Spot on, that’s what happened with me too.

Yeah. Plus you know, the other reasons I gave. She’s supposed to be a doctor, not someone who hems and haws and skirts the issue of whether or not vaccines are safe - she’s a DOCTOR. She’s supposed to believe in science, not a bunch of anti-science hooey like homeopathy.

I feel like people screaming about GMOs don’t even know what they are. I said this upthread but I also don’t think these same people even know what the TPP is, either. They just know they’re supposed to be really, really, really pissed off about it.

Word, me too. My boyfriend will always point out anything anti-vaxx to me because “I know that’s like...your thing”. Yeah, it sure is!

I would wager that MOST of the people complaining about TPP have no idea what it is.