Whitey Fisk

When she won her last primaries and it was assumed she’d get the nom, I cried like a baby as well and was surprised that I did, but chalked it up to my raging hormones; figured I would be fine watching her accept the nomination last night. Then I learned the actual meaning of the phrase “burst into tears” because when

She is soooo thirsty, and so arrogant. Not someone I would ever hire at my current job, let alone for fucking President of the US. I said the exact same thing the other night when I turned on Fox News and saw her marching with the Bernie or Busters outside the DNC. Then I rolled my eyes so hard I saw the back of my

I think she’s a total quack. When I started reading about her after the Bernie or Bust crowd started fawning all over her, I saw her use the phrase “Big Pharma,” saw her wishy washy stance on vaccines, and found out that she’s all about homeopathy and went NOPE. Fuck no. You’re supposed to be an actual doctor and you

LOL this is me to a T.

I fucking bawled my eyes out. Every time they cut to Bill Clinton beaming at her, I sobbed even harder. I voted for Sanders in the primary, but I can’t wait to vote for Hillary. Feels soooo good.

“It’s so funny that these pundits and party operatives are very busy telling people who are being thrown under the bus to be good little boys and girls to just follow marching orders and don’t go outside of the political parties who are raking you over the coals. People are sick and tired of that.”

I think I just heard

I keep referring to her as a quack, which pisses off my friends who say they’re voting for her so much, but I mean...she is. You’re supposedly a doctor but you’re fine with homeopathy and sympathetic to people who don’t vaccinate? No. NO. Someone I follow on facebook posted the other day “I hear if she gets 15% of the

Ha, I posted a similar gif a couple posts down! Love it.

I keep seeing people using the “sharing a beer” thing as a reason to vote for Jill Stein. She’s so down to earth! She’d share a beer with you! Give me a goddamn break. Like she’s not as phony and pandering as every other politician. GTFOH.

I fucking despise Scottie Nell Hughes. I am completely unsurprised she said this, because she is a terrible person.

Dang I wish more Americans here thought like you.

What exactly are “the issues”? Because the only one I ever hear the hardcore Sanders supporters ranting about is “breaking up the two party system,” which is pretty fucking far down on my list of concerns for this country right now when there’s someone like Trump breathing down our collective neck.

People voting for him don’t even care. They will openly admit that they know nothing about Stein or Johnson, but they’re voting for them anyway, because Bernie Sanders. It makes no sense and I hate all of them.

You’re right, I totally forgot about the line where they said they found her car. And I remember the part where they see her body, but I guess it just seemed weird to me because her parents/mom weren’t shown reacting to any of it like...at all. I think in my mind it made it seem like she was sort of forgotten.

I really loved this show. But I just kept thinking the whole time - aren’t Barb’s parents concerned she’s missing?! Nobody even asked about her after a couple of episodes.

Word, I know people who don’t live here don’t really believe me when I say that everyone hates Pence, but EVERYONE hates Pence. When the RFRA shit was going on, the amount of “Pence Must Go” signs was incredible, all over the city (I live in Indianapolist). I was up in northern Indiana this past weekend and I saw sooo

I honestly have no idea because it’s never reported on anymore and I really want to know. I was researching it the other day and found this article, which is heartbreaking because it outlines just how poor this town (Austin, IN) is.

PS, I recommend NOT reading the comments:

Yeah the DMV is pretty much a piece of cake now, I’ll agree with that. And at last he never passed any crazy evangelical bullshit laws restricting abortion access or people’s civil rights while in office. But it doesn’t matter, I guess he’s not going to run again anyway (for now), so I guess we’ll probably have some

For real, not to mention that addicts also automatically fall under the umbrella of “Fuck them, they’re just leeches to society and deserve to die anyway” umbrella for a lot of these people as well. It made me so, so incredibly angry.