
The deal breaker for me is the lack of a headphone jack or at least a second usb-c port if your going to take away the headphone jack we need something else other than wireless I live in NYC and most wireless solution have problem in the subway which if you live here you know how much time you spent there and also the

I’m genuinely mad you feel that way! Kratos is and has always been a very interesting character. That honestly what got me into the games. Actually i really don’t like overly violent media in general but it was always him that brought me back. Your not supposed to love him but pitty him cause his rage just destroy

I started to cry when i saw the title screen!

Holy shit your absolutely right it seriously gross!

Oh You got me good!

Is there a mod to make a pre-op transgender woman cause if they did I would play mostly because I’m a transgender woman myself lol.

I actually love the look.

I actually love the look.

I was think the same thing and I’ve been there too...my life is too crazy

Honestly i love this cosplay!

She just needs headshot damage honestly that it.

I respectfully disagree you need those story in order to convey how the greatness and cruelty of humanity. Without it; it feel empty and generic.

Just read the manga usually i will say the anime good enough but in this series that isn’t true. I don’t know why but there never be a good adaption which is a shame.

I just wished they didn’t jump volumes worth of story! Don’t get me wrong I liked this episode but I’m already seeing red flags. Pacing is off the cgi isn’t a good fit also the OP does not fit at all. The ED was good though. The soundtrack so far has pretty good but it should stick with the more experimental music

Where can see this video? Link?

Why drain the blood that doesn’t sound right?

Honestly it is a common attraction from what found. I would know, cause I am a trans woman myself. When i was growing up and was still a boy i was out as a bisexual. I can tell you for sure i had only one guy into me. But after i transition many more men express there interested in me.

Wait does he has a trans girlfriend?

.......so what you will change lol

Fuck that heavy...