
Regardless of income, whiteness is the most important factor. I really don’t care about the income angle, but I won’t let white people try to lay this at the feet of poor, backwoods white people only. It was white people at every level—rich, poor, educated, uneducated, religious, not religious, women, and men.

“The average Orange Man supporter has a high school education and a salary HIGHER than the average American salary—and that’s not even taking into account the Evil Rich vote”

In my small, anecdotal experience watching Debate 3 in the midst of a Repugnantcan viewing party, his followers LOVED and CHEERED when he sidestepped a question and went on an irrelevant tangent, they screamed with joy when he insulted HRC. It was 100% ok that he had no detailed plan, just wild fantasies about

And you see what’s happening? The problem is that everyone else “didn’t listen” to these poor, unsuccessful white people, and that the rest of us are being “divisive” and calling them the worst possible slur you can call a white person: racist! So as we keep talking about it and talking about it, even supposedly

The problems of which you speak have been problems in the cities. I don’t know who you’re talking to but there are plenty of people in the cities who are suffering. The difference seems to be that for some reason the discussion about suffering in rural areas are talked about as though the people there are not at fault


Our arrogance didn’t fuck us over. The undeniable reality that America got the government that America wanted is what fucked us over. Popular vote not withstanding, our fellow citizens made this happen. We keep trying to blame everything from polls to campaign strategy to “working class” discontent on the loss

I love that the building will still have a subtle Trump stain on it ala Lady Macbeth.

The same reason they have believed for 36 years that there are black single mothers in New York who have bought Cadillacs with all that juicy welfare.

but don’t ignore the facts just to fit the meme

Can anyone explain to me why dumb people think people who aren’t in the country legally can get on welfare? It’s already too hard for people who have never even left the country to get government assistance.

“Hello, uh, governor Romney? I don’t suppose you still have those binders of women handy...? Also, some transition papers, a competent staff, any idea what the president does, and some Jack Daniels?”

My Senator is Tim Kaine, so...

They won’t care. Facts don’t matter to them.

On the plus side, the impeachment hearings will be incredible.

It was a contributing factor, I’m sure, but yes, it’s a combination of things. Chiefly among them, however, was the sexism and outright misogyny which greatly amplified the scrutiny of her track record, of the emails, and of Benghazi. I think a deduction against her on the basis of sexism/misogyny was missing from the

And apparently that is what matters to voters now. They could give a damn about who would make the best president and are only interested in who makes the best candidate for president. We won’t make that mistake again in the 2020 primaries. Only something shiny and new and exciting in 2020 for the dumbass American

I think it would be fair to say that if not for Comey, she would’ve won. The more broad and systemic reasons you point to were responsible for Trump doing so well and the election being so close, but Comey interfered in the crucial moments of final stretch, right when things were more stable – and more in her favor –

I know the article you’re referring to, I know that a lot of people have criticized it for accuracy. So far, she has only won the popular vote by 400,000. But even if that balloons up to 2 million, which seems unlikely and honestly what does the NYT know about predictions after this election, that’s still down by 8

Her campaign strategist failed her.