
I thought the Herbalife empire had collapsed. Crap. What a horrible thing to do to you.

Trump himself tweets from an Android, his staff tweets from an iPhone. Tweets that are just text are him; tweets that contain links or media come from his staff. Someone did a whole analysis of this: http://varianceexplained.org/r/trump-tweets…

I just don’t understand his insults. Like, on twitter I see his promoted tweets about “crooked Hillary”. Crooked? Really? That’s your insult? And wacky? What century is this? I feel like I’m listening to the penguin insult people.

If an approved commenter ever sees this, I would really appreciate it if you could ungrey me even if you don’t agree with me. I would just like to hear what people have to say about my opinions.

The line of argument that your protest is “counterproductive” because it makes old, rich, white men like David Brooks uncomfortable is self-contradictory.

Both cause brain damage. Find another way.

Has anyone from the privileged class established what form of protest against systemic racism they are totally chill with witnessing?

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the American electorate.

I thought he sounded a bit afraid of that woman.

I mean, Reagan had alzheimer’s during his second term and JFK was on a mix of uppers and downers that would make Judy Garland blush.

Because a woman needs to be a lawyer, First Lady, senator and Secretary of State before she’s qualified for president. That takes time. No lady-freshman senator is getting the job. Not yet.

“People don’t know this about Iraq, but they have among the largest oil reserves in the world.”

Not if you were in a hurry, though.

why should you be allowed to see those email?

The situation is distinguishable from Petraeus. Your knowledge of the law seems to be worse than your knowledge of digital communications infrastructure.

Yet all the instances we have seen reported on so far were managed through her staff, which used department of state emails, which were not kept on her server. Deleting her emails doesn’t work when there are copies on all the servers that were origins or destinations of the emails. Nobody teaches anything in school

Her “hard drives” do not store who she met or did not meet with. Do you think she managed her own calendar? I know she had the word “secretary” in her title, but come on...

And they excluded everyone she was expected to meet with as Secretary of State—including all foreign governments and employees of foreign governments—in order to massage the statistic to get that “over half.” Even the Daily Caller would consider that a bit slanted.

This arms sales talking point is pretty ridiculous. Do you think that the Secretary of State personally and single-handedly makes major strategic decisions about issues like this by fiat? That’s not remotely how the national security policy-making process works. DoD, NSC, the President are involved in that decision.

If you think that is selling her office, then you may want to check out what the Supreme Court has said recently with a situation with much clearer signs of quid pro quo.

The day Deadspin doesn’t run tabloid shit is the day we all quit and get jobs as brand consultants or baristas or whatever.