
Red 3 standing by.

Red 2 standing by

A leather belt?  What a waist of time.

In my eyes, a good manual is better than even the best automatic in pretty much all applications. Go back a few years when autos were four-speed slushboxes, and that goes doubly.

But of course, that’s just a personal preference. I find my 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee, for example, to be 1,000x more fun to drive than an

The funny part about conservatives trying to be funny is that they keep trying.

It's a steady job, but he wants to be a paperback writer 

Swords and Kittens would be a great name for a metal band

It may only be a small car, but 57.5mpg sounds quite optimistic for an engine made out of cardboard and discarded Meccano, based on a 1950s design. No fuel injection here!

I've been that fast on a bicycle. I'm guessing this is better.

Dear Editor,

I guess all you have to do is surgically change your thumbprint to a screaming chicken.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Would make sense if the three scavenge pumps all sit abreast.

Am I doing this right?

Ok, two things.

This truck was built for stupidity. People who bought this new are the same types who wear Oakley “Thin Blue Line Edition” sunglasses, and refer to sex in very aggressive terms. They don’t make love to a woman. They crush some pussy. They pound some poon. They slam some ham.

Ok, ok, I’ll fix NASCAR as follows:

It is so ingrained and been for so long that it is one of my favorite M*A*S*H jokes from about 45 years ago. Trapper asks Hawkeye is he is going to go to the cockroach time trials and he replies “Nah, people who go to those things only want to see a cockroach crash.”

You know what is more important that my IRA, 401K, Property Value, Interest Rates and the like?