I really appreciate it!
I’d taken some pictures of my Matchbox Wagoneer in preparation for a few more articles from David that included his Project Redwood and Golden Eagle, but unfortunately, one of them got sold and the other isn’t posted much lately because he’s got a lot on his plate. That being said, here’s a few pictures from...
For added effect, Stop Motion!
Holy hell, this made my entire day. I hope others find it useful.
Good point. I just meant for this calendar year. This shit will not stop.
Fish and bicycles.
We wish that Individual-1 would stick to politics and leave cars alone. He acts on gut instincts and his gut, like everyone else’s, is FOS.
Yeah so let's do that once this imbecile stops his stupidity towards the automotive industry. Until then you suggesting we just all put our heads in the sand?
“There should be uniform safety”
Another day, another dumb-ass idea from Crooked Trump.
Yes, again. The most irritating part will be, after a few short years of Dem leadership where we almost complete repairing the economy and the judiciary and the environment and so on, the American voting public will ask, “But what have the Dems done for us lately?”
I mean, he's competing with Warren G. Harding, Herbert Hoover, and Andrew Johnson, among others, but he's definitely in the running.
I definitely am for more strict fuel economy standards, but it’s hardly appropriate to use these standards as retaliatory penalties.
Here is a nice article from italianways, about this pioneer of our cars racing.
The Lebaron from Planes, Trains, & Automobiles
I’m surprised nobody has tried the revive the brand. They had a following back in the day.